The Directorate of Income Generating Units (IGU)

The Directorate of IGU is created under DVC APD and has the goal of enhancing University ability to sustain itself beyond the funding from government and research. The Directorate provide strategic guidance to Univeristy departments that generate income through innovations and services. The IGUs include Tatton Farm, Guilford Dairy Plant, Gift shop, Bookshop, Press, Knitting & Tailoring, Catering/ halls of Accomodation, Medical, Funeral Home among other departments that generate income.
The Directorate through updated business plans for each IGU is in the advanced stage of establishing a minimarket at the main Univeristy gate. This minimarket will provide innovative products and services to the public and act as a one stop shop for all IGUs to sell Egerton University branded products, services and including provision of information about the University programmes.
The mission
Enhanced income streams for quality service provision by the University.
The Vision
Diversified products and services providing Sustained Income Streams for the University
The Objectives are to:
- Increase income streams for all IGUs by at least 5% annually.
- Expand innovative products and services for each IGU
- Improve quality of products and services rendered by all IGUs to meet consumer needs.
- Open at least one additional outlet for all IGUs to reach out to more customers after every 2 years.
- Advance accountability and knowledge sharing on Egerton University products and services'