Egerton University and Cooperative University of Kenya to Collaborate on Agricultural Value Chain Integration
The Cooperative University of Kenya, supported by the African Development Bank (AfDB), is leading the implementation of the Kenya Rural Transformation Centers Digital Platforms (KRTCDP) Project. This project aligns with the Government's strategy to establish Special Agro Processing Zones (SAPZs) under the Agricultural Sector Transformation and Growth Strategy. Its implementation will be at the Lord Egerton Agro-Industrial Park Zone and will involve Nakuru, Narok, and Baringo Counties.
Egerton University’s Vice Chancellor Prof Isaac Kibwage and the Cooperative University of Kenya’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau pose for a photo after holding talks on the implementation of the Kenya Rural Transformation Centers Digital Platforms (KRTCDP) Project at the Lord Egerton Agro-Industrial Park Zone. They are flanked by (far left) Prof. Isaac K. Nyamongo CUK’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic, Co-operative Development, Research, and Innovation Division) and (far right) Prof. Richard Mulwa Egerton’s acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration, Planning and Development).
On 22nd August 2023, a delegation headed by the Cooperative University of Kenya’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Kamau Ngamau held talks with Egerton University's Vice Chancellor, Prof. Isaac Kibwage on the KRTCDP Project's progress and collaborative avenues for its successful implementation.
According to the AfDB website, the goal of the project is to increase productivity, profitability and sustainability of agricultural cooperatives and hence the entire agriculture/food and trade value chains, through integrating smallholder farmers with all stakeholders along the agriculture value chain, by developing of a digital platform (RTC Digital Platform) connecting farmers with private sector and public services.
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