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AICAD Trains Kakamega Bodaboda Riders

The African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD) is a not-for-profit organisation which seeks to link knowledge to application. The AICAD–Kenya country office is domiciled at Egerton University’... read more..

Egerton Launches Queen Bee Rearing Technology

Egerton University, through the support  of the University Council, has launched a Bee Research and Demonstration Unit (BRDU) at the Agro-Science Park and the Dryland Research Training and Ecotou... read more..

DRTEC Enhances Biodiversity Conservation in the Lake Bogoria Landscape

DRTEC's role in transforming lives through extension and community community engagement has not been easy during this Covid-19 pandemic. Most of the planned activities had to be cancelled or scal... read more..

Tegemeo Institute Lands Strategic Research Partnerships

Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Developement, Egerton University, is a leading provider of evidence and knowledge for accountability and learning, to catalyse agricultural and rural secto... read more..

Council and UMB Visit Chemeron DRTEC

On 21 May 2021, the Dryland Research Training and Ecotourism Centre (DRTEC) hosted the Egerton University Council and the University Management Board (UMB). ... read more..

Egerton Annual Research Conference Goes Virtual

The Division of Research and Extension's core functions include coordination and development of relevant policy documents in the following core areas: research, extension services, consultancy service... read more..

Reconstructed Classroom: The New Learning Architecture

The world has gone through four industrial revolutions: the first was the coal age; the second the electricity age; the third the electronics age; and the fourth the internet age or the age that ... read more..

Egerton University Wins Inter-University Blitz Challenge

At the Dean of Students office, we are committed to serving all undergraduate and postgraduate students. We endeavour to assist our students to develop their physical, psychological, social, spiritual... read more..

Institute Unites Kenya and China through Wide-Ranging Scholarly Collaborations

The Confucius Institute (CI) at Egerton University was set up with the joint efforts of Egerton University in Kenya and Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) in China. ... read more..

An Amazing Experience As Technical Assistant To The ISO President

Here is the story of Mr. William Amwayi who is an Executive Secretary and Technical Assistant to ISO President, Engineer Eddy Njoroge. Mr. Amwayi is an Egerton University Alumnus having earned a BSC. ... read more..

8th Edition of the Mau - Egerton University Cross Country

The substantive date for 8th edition of the Mau-Egerton University Cross Country is Saturday, 25th February 2023. The event will be held at Egerton University Sports Ground Njoro Campus. ... read more..

Ajira Club Launched at Egerton University

The Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs, Ms Maureen Mbaka, on Friday 25 June 2021, launched the Egerton University Ajira Digital Club, an initiati... read more..

Speech by Cabinet secretary, Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs During the Ajira Digital Club Launch

Delivered on Friday, 25th June 2021 At Egerton University Njoro. SALUTATION:Prof. Isaac Kibwage, VC Egerton UniversityProf Kipkemboi - DVC Academic Affairs Prof Mulwa-Dean of Student: Prof Odero... read more..

Despite Covid-19, the LWM Programme Continues to Thrive

The Limnology and Wetlands Management Programme (LWM) is part of the Education and Research Hub for the Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems in East Africa (AQUAHUB) project. ... read more..

Egerton University Ajira Digital Club (EU-ADC)

Egerton University Ajira Digital Club (EU-ADC) is one of the clubs registered with the Dean of Students office meaning it is legit. It is one of the only clubs that teaches you how to be an entreprene... read more..

Speech by Dr. Narendra Raval (Guru) - EBS, Chancellor, Egerton University

Delivered on Friday, 18th June 2021, During the 43rd Graduation Ceremony of Egerton University ... read more..

Speech by Prof. Isaac O. Kibwage Ag. Vice-Chancellor, Egerton University

Delivered on Friday, 18th June 2021, During the 43rd Graduation Ceremony of Egerton University ... read more..

Speech by Dr. Hukka Wario, Chairman of Egerton University Council

Delivered on Friday, 18th June 2021 During The 43rd Graduation Ceremony of Egerton University. ... read more..

BUGS / FAP Adjusts to Covid-19 through Virtual Interactions

BUGS/FAP is mandated with the review of, and recommendation to the Senate on, the quality of undergraduate programmes. The Board also coordinates and facilitates field/industrial attachment (FA) and t... read more..

Egerton University marked its second virtual graduation ceremony on Friday 18th June, 2021

As 2,041 graduands followed the 43rd graduation procession from the comfort of their homes, Egerton University spread a message of hope and determination to its community and the world over – making t... read more..

TAGDev Trains a New Generation of Agleaders

Egerton University, the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), and Gulu University in Uganda are implementing a programme titled “Transforming African Ag... read more..

CESAAM Zeroes in on Food Security

The Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM) is funded by the World Bank in collaboration with the Kenya Government, and supports students, faculty and part... read more..

Department of Chemistry at Forefront of Fight against Covid-19 on Campus

Since the inception of the Faculty of Science 34 years ago we have always endeavoured to provide our learners with an excellent foundation in line with the institutional Vision, Mission and Core Value... read more..

Faculty Wins Partnership Supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK

As a Faculty we are proud of our graduates because they are preferred in the job market. This is because our teaching incorporates an extensive practical component comprising three industrial attachme... read more..

Egerton Scholar Awarded Multiple Grants

Prof. Patience M. Mshenga of the Faculty  of Agriculture is the Principal Investigator in three award-winning projects: Strengthening Agri-Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement Training in Ea... read more..

Results 501 - 525 of 614
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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"