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Job Category
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
Directorate / Dept
curriculum and instruction
536 Egerton

Dr. William orora was born in February 1972. He is married and a Kenyan by birth. He is a Christian and currently works at Egerton University as a lecturer since April 2015.

  • 1990 -1994: B.Sc. ( Botany & Zoology)  from Jomo kenyatta  university of Agriculture and Technology  
  • 1997-1998: Postgraduate Diploma In Education from Kenyatta University
  • 2002- 2005: Master of Education ( Science Education)  from Egerton University
  • 2011- 2015: Doctor of Philosophy ( Science Education)  from Egerton University

Science Education

  • July 2022:Training of trainers for pedagogical leadership and management in school in align with CBC by TOTEMK
  • December 2020:Pedal online trainng on technology for tranformative pedagogy course by Pedagogical Leadership in Africa ( PEDAL)
  • May 2016: Ethics, Integrity and corruption prevention sensitization by Egerton university
  • May 2014: Supervisory skills development course No. 13/2014  by Kenya School of Government
  • August 2006: Strengthening Mathematics and Science (SMASSE) cycle 3  by MOEST
  • August 2005: Strengthening Mathematics and Science (SMASSE) cycle 2 by MOEST
  • September  2001: Strengthening Mathematics and Science (SMASSE) cycle 1 by MOEST


  • 1995-1996: Untrained teacher under board of management at kenyenya secondary school ,kisii county
  • 1997: untrained teacher under teachers service commission at kapkawa secondary,Baringo county
  • 1998- 2004: trained teacher under teahers service commission at kapkawa seecondary,Baringo county
  • 2005-2009: Teacher at  Kenyatta secondary, Nakuru county
  • 2009- 2015: Examinations secretary at Kenya national examinationas council. in charge of moderating,proofreading and marking of KCPE Science,KCSE & DTE Biology
  • 2015- date: Lecturer at Egerton university
  • Teaching Methods and Achievement
  • Teacher Education Programmes
  • Learning and Classroom Environment
  1. Wanjala,J.,Wambugu,P.,& Orora,W.(2023).Effects of advance organizer concept mapping teaching strategy on secondary students' motivation to learn Physics in Rongai sub county,Kenya.Journal of Education and Practice,vol.3(3 ), 14-26.
  2. Yegon,P.,Changeiywo,J.,& Orora,W.(2023).Impact of SEMASSE Programme on secondary school students achievement in Physics in Bomet county, Kenya.Journal of Education and Practice,vol. 14 (3),48-57.
  3. Orora,W.( 2022).Enhancing studdents' self-concept in secondary school Biology using cooperative E-Learning teaching strategy: A study of selected secondary  schools in Nakuru County,Kenya.Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research,vol.34 (1 &2),148-163
  4. Karura,F.,Kimosop,E.& Orora,W.( 2021).Effects of think-pair-share strategy on students achieveemnt and motivation.journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,vol.26 (3) 25-33
  5. Baraiywo,S. & Orora,W. (2019). Relationship between students background characteristics and academic performance in secondaary school Biology in Nandi county,Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research ,vol. 7  ( 9) 31-52
  6. Orora,W. ( 2018). Analysis of actions taken to counter bullying and their effectiveness in nakuru west sub county schools,kenya. The International Journal  of  Humanities and Social Studies,vol 6 (5), 107-115
  7. Baraiywo,S. Orora,W. & Anditi,O.A.( 2018). Influence of selected students characteristics on academic performance in biology among secondary school students in Nandi East Sub county,Nandi county,Kenya. jOurnal of Scientific Research and Studies
  8. Orora,W. Keraro,F.N. & Wachanga,S.W.( 2014). Using co opeerative e learning teaching strategy to enhance students creativity in secondaary school biology. a study of selecteed schools in nakuru county,kenya. international Journal of Education and Practice,vol 2 (6) ,137-146
  9. Keraro,F.N.,Wachanga,S.W.& Orora,W.( 2007). Effects of cooperative concept mapping teaching approach on secondaary school studdents motivation in biology in Gucha district,kenya. international Journal for Science and Mathematics Education,vol.5 (1),111-124
  10. Orora,W.,Wachanga,S.W. & Keraro,F.N.(2005). Effects of cooperative concept mapping teaching approach on secondaary school students achievement in biology in Gucha district,kenya. Zimbambwe Journal of Educational Research,vol.17 (1 ),1-18
  • 10th June - 14th June 2019: Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development Competency Based Curriculum Training Workshop on Integrated Science for Junior Secondary held at Naivasha, Masada Hotel
  • 22nd to 26th October 2019: Competency Based Education Milestone in Egerton University Workshop held at Egerton University Center of Excellence for Livestock Innovation and Business (CoELIB)
  • 2nd  to 14th December 2019: Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development Competency Based Curriculum Workshop on Developing Curriculum Designs for Junior Secondary held at Naivasha Masada Hotel
  • 7th to 9th October 2015: International Conference on Literacy Empowerment for All Beyond 2015 held at Egerton University in collaboration with Rift Valley Reading Association. Title of paper presented: effects of cooperative e-learning teaching strategy on students self-concept in Biology. A study of selected secondary schools in Nakuru county, Kenya.
  • 23rd to 27th April 2012: Facilitated KNEC Test Development Workshop Held at Starehe Boys Centre
  • 11th to 21st April 2011: Resource person in Science And Biology during item writing workshop held at the Kenya Institute of Education, Nairobi.
  • 6th to 9th march 2001: Guidance and Counseling Teacher’s Seminar for Baringo and Koibatek Districts  held at Kabarnet High School
  1. 2009: Students Congress on Science and Technology, Ministry of education
  • EDCI 334: Methods of teaching biology at undergraduate level
  • EDCI 212: Health and physical education at undergraduate level
  • EDCI 703: Educational measurement aand evaluation at postgraduate level


  1. Stanley K. Baraiywo     M.Ed. (curriculum and instruction),Egerton University. Influence of Students Background Characteristics on Academic Performance in Biology among Secondary School Students in Nandi County, Kenya. Graduated 2018
  2. Florence Karura .M. Ed. (curriculum and instruction), Egerton University. Effects of Think –Share-Pair Teaching Strategy on Students CRE Achievement, Motivation and Classroom Environment Perception in Njoro Sub-County Secondary Schools. Graduated 2022
  3. Jackline N. Wanjala, M.Ed. (Science Education),Egerton University.    Effects of Advance Organizer Concept Mapping Teaching Strategy On Secondary School Students Achievement and Motivation to Learn Physics in Rongai Sub-County, Kenya.  Graduating in 2023


  1. Chemutai Lucy .M, Ed. (Science Education),Egerton University. Effects of computer assisted learning (CAL) strategy on secondary school biology students’ achievement and self-concept in south –kuresoi sub-county, Kenya. (Defended at department)
  2. Paul K. Yegon . M.  Ed. (Science Education),Egerton University. Influence of SMASSE programme on secondary School students’achievement in physics in Konoin, sub-county, Kenya. (Defended at faculty)
  3. Naphtaly W. Wambui. M.Sc. (AGED).Examining factors influencing parental involvement in implementation of competence based  Agriculture curriculum in primary schools in gatanga sub county, muranga  county ,kenya.
  4. Victor K. Rotich. M.Ed.(science education). Effects of multimedia technology integration on students' achievement and science process skills acquisition in selected co educational secondary schools in Bomet county,Kenya.

1. Member of International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS) since June 2023



Prof.Fred N. Keraro

Director,College of Open and Distance Learning, Egerton university

P.O. Box 536 -20115,     Egerton

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Dean ,FEDCOS  

P.O. Box 536 -20115, Egerton

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Dr. Joel K. Ngeno

COD Curriculum Instruction and Educational Management

P.O. Box 536-20115, Egerton

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