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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
Directorate / Dept
Science Education/E-learning

Work Experience (1994 - 2023)

Current duties as Lecturer of Educational Communication & Technology (EDCI 351) at Egerton University and Head of Learner/Tutor Support function at the E-Campus. Supporting 14,000+ users (lecturers and students) of the MOODLE platform in content development, e-learning management and tutoring. Other courses are Learning Resources Project (EDCI 398), Educational Seminars (EDCI 499) and Teaching Practice Supervision (as well as coordinator, South Nyanza region). Previously worked at Kenya School of Government (ICT & E-learning), Kenya Technical Trainers College (ICT integration, Electrical/Electronic Engineering), Rift Valley Institute of Science & Technology (Computer Studies & Electronical/Electronics Depts) and Katilu Secondary School (Lodwar)- Mathematics and Electricity.


Currently, PhD candidate Egerton University. Previously studied at Moi University (Bachelors) and Egerton University (Masters) in Kenya, Dublin City University, Ireland (ICT Leadership); InWent, Germany and the University of Cape Town , South Africa (e-learning). Alumni of Kericho High & Cheptenye High Schools. Study areas include Vocational Education, Educational Technology , ICT and e-learning. Online tutor since 2006, with InWEnt, Germany (Now GIZ) and Global e-Schools Initiative (GESCI) - a UN task force on ICT.

Volunteering/Community Service

  • Member of KENET Exam Proctoring workgroup exploring best practice in online examinations for higher education. 
  • Board member, Kiamunyi High School (2019-2022), and Kiamunyi Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church (2020-2021), Nakuru.
  • Meal programme for vulnarable children in Arap Chumo Estate, Ngata, Nakuru
  • Education Workshops for Teachers at Melvin Jones Lions Academy, Nakuru


  • Training Egerton university Academic Staff on E-learning Content Development since 2015 - 2023.
  • Training on Consultancy for the Directorate of Research & Consultancy, Division of Research & Extension (2018, 2020)
  • Training of Chuka University Academic Staff in E-learning (2017). With Prof. Maritim & Prof. Keraro

Consultancy Work

Managing partner & Founder- CONCISE Learning & Research Limited

Current consultancies:Lead consultant in the Development of a Management Information System (MIS) for the Department of Post-Training and Skills Development of Kenya's Ministry of Education (Implemented by Egerton University) and National ICT Expert in supporting the establishment of TVET centres of Excellence in Thika TTI, Nairobi TTI and Kiambu Institute of Science & Technology (implemented by NIRAS, Germany) under the project: Promoting Youth Employment and Vocational Education in Kenya.

Previously, Regional E-learning Expert and consultant for the British Standards Institution/TMEA in supporting the Tanzania Bureau of Standards in developing the E-learning standards curriculum and training modules (for MSMEs in English & Kiswahili); lead consultant at SOS Kinderdof International's ESAF Region in the assessment of Education & Health Facilities in Ghana, Burundi, Somaliland, Uganda and Nigeria; Team Leader for Directorate of E-government's project on the installation and operationalization of an e-learning system (developed three online courses; Network Management, Information Security and Introduction to E-Government), consulted for Kenya Educational Management Institute (KEMI) & State House (OP) in conducting baseline and exit surveys on customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and automation inter-alia. 


2021: Certificate: Online Education for Universities. Open University, UK (Skills for Prosperity Programme, Kenya)

2015 - date: PhD candidate, Egerton University, Kenya Topic “A model for predicting undergraduate students’ adoption of e-learning in Kenya’s Public Universities”

2013: Post graduate Dip. In ICT Leadership, Dublin City University, Ireland

2013: Master of Education (Science ), MEd (Sc) Egerton University, Kenya

1994: Bachelor of Education (Technology) BEd- Tech, Moi University, Kenya

1989: Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE), "A" Level - Math, Physics, Chemistry, Cheptenye High School, Kenya

1987: Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE), "O" Level - Kericho High School, Kenya



ICT/Digital transformation

Science Education 

Educational Technology


  1. Online Education for Universities. Certificate. Open University, UK (Skills for Prosperity Programme, Kenya). 2021
  2. Social and Behavioural Research – CITI Programme Certificate. . Passed on 14th September 2019.
  3. Basic Responsible Conduct of Research – CITI Programme Certificate. Passed on 29 August 2019.
  4. Conflict of Interest and Commitment for Faculty, Staff and Students – CITI program certificate. . Passed on 29 June 2019
  5. MOOC Facilitator Certificate – Open University, UK – Title of MOOC “Making Teacher Education Relevant in 21st Century Africa” - August 2017
  6. Advanced Research Design & Action Research – Pan African Social & Governance Research (PASGR) – Apr/May 2017
  7. Facilitation Online Certificate  – University of Cape Town - 2016
  8. Strategic Leadership Development Program (SLDP) – 2013 Kenya School of Government
  9. Training of e-Tutors for e-Learning Development & Implementation, Bonn-Germany – April 2013
  10. Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2008 Certificate – Kenya Bureau of Standards - April 2013
  11. African Leadership in ICT – Postgraduate Diploma – Dublin City University/GeSCi – 2012
  12. Senior Management Course (SMC) - 2011 - Kenya School of Government
  13. Results-Based Monitoring & Evaluation – CLEAR Africa/The World Bank Institute in collaboration with KIA – 2011
  14. Psychometric Skills with Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) – 2010
  15. Health Systems Management ToT – Ministry of Public Health & Sanitation MOPHS and Ministry of Medical Services (MOMs) in conjunction with WHO. 2010
  16. ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System (QMS) and ISO 9001:2008 Auditor – Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) – 2010
  17. Public Relations & Statistics: Building Bridges between users and Producers 2010- offered by InWEnt Capacity Building International GmbH, in Pretoria South Africa – 2010
  18. eLearning in Practice – InWEnt, Germany 2008

July - October 2022

Consultant (Research Analyst) for ITAD Ltd, United Kingdom (UK) - Mid-Term Evaluation of Young Africa Works Project

Young Africa Works Project - Kenya: Youth Employability Through TVET (Young Africa Works in Kenya-TVET) is a 5-year initiative (2020-2025) that will strengthen the quality and relevance of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions and systems in Kenya. The program is based on a partnership between Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), the Kenyan Ministry of Education, the private sector and the Mastercard Foundation, through its Young Africa Works initiative (Young Africa Works ( Its objective is to help young Kenyans, particularly women, find dignified and fulfilling work through formal training and a focus on the recognition of prior learning. Institutional strengthening is the focus of partnerships between Kenyan TVET institutions and CICan member colleges and institutes working collaboratively within the project’s results framework.

Mr. Getuno is supporting the project as a research analyst with data collection, callation, analysis and report writing.

Jan - Dec 2021

Lead Consultant, Development of the National Management Information System (NSMIS) for the Ministry of Education, Kenya (State Department for Post Training and Skills Development)

Mr. Getuno led a team of 4 consultants in a short-term consultancy to develop a concept and technical specifications for Management Information System (MIS) that will be used to register, manage and appraise skilled and semi-skilled workers, artisans and technicians in the various technical cadres (farm-hands, plumbers, carpenters, masons, painters, auto mechanics, drivers, leather industry workers and house girls among others). The overall purpose of the MIS is to create a scalable and searchable database to identify skills gaps among this cadre of workers (as will be captured from employers’ appraisals) and recommend appropriate training through private and government training institutions and link them to potential employers and promote self-employment especially among the youth and young women.

July 2020 - July 2024

Consultant (National ICT Expert) -  Promotion of Youth Employment and Vocational Training in Kenya

Mr. Getuno is coordinating procurement of ICT equipment and overseeing the installation and maintenance in selected TVET institutions as a consultant for NIRAS, Africa. NIRAS has been contracted by kfW (Germany) to support Kenya’ Ministry of Education (MoE) in coordinating and supervising construction / rehabilitation works of TVET Centres that will house cooperatives training courses; coordinating procurement of equipment (including ICT equipment); managing and monitoring finances and reporting on the Project to KfW. NIRAS is supporting the establishment of Centres of Excellence for Cooperative Training at THREE public TVET institutes under MoE (Thika TTI, Nairobi TTI and Kiambu Institute of Science & Technology - KIST). The centres are being supported to ensure they offer high-quality labour market-oriented training for the Kenyan youth in specific trades with a strong engagement of the surrounding private sector industries.

2020 - 2023

Teacher Trainer, Quality Core Team Member - PBL BioAfrica Project

PBL-BioAfrica ( (is a collaborative project for strengthening the capacity in bioeconomy Higher Education Institutions(HEIs) in Kenya and Zambia. The consortium consists of 2 HEIs in Finland (Hame University of Applied Sciences & Aalto University), 3 in Kenya (Egerton University, University of Nairobi, South Eastern Kenya University) and 2 in Zambia (University of Zambia, Mulungushi University). In addition, the The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) is a key partner for disseminating project results to wider Africa. The project's focus is on reforming bio-entrepreneurship education to meet the needs in working life and to promote entrepreneurship among students and graduates. The methodology through which this is achieved is problem-based learning (PBL) in bioeconomy education, and utilising open distance learning (ODL) formats and open education resources (OER) in order to reach a large numbers of students.Climate-smart agriculture is introduced as the guiding principle in business development. In addition, the role and potential of women in agriculture to improve both equality and economic development is recognized. Teachers are also provided training courses on PBL, participatory online teaching and climate-smart agriculture. ​Another objective of PBL-BioAfrica is to strengthen the networks among HEIs nationally and internationally, as well as with the industrial sector. Mr. Getuno’s role is online module development and is responsible for the the local (Egerton University) Quality Assurance. His key contribution to the project so far is the development the project’s common quality platform.


- ICT Adoption in Higher Education

-Technology (General)

- Teaching and Learning


Getuno, D.M., Misango, S., Phiri, M., Aoyo, C., Namodi, M.O., Määttänen, S., & Laitinen, E. (2022). Challenges of using problem-based learning in Africa’s higher education institutes and the way forward. In E. Laitinen & S. Määttänen (eds.), Problem-based learning & agropreneurship in Africa. HAMK Unlimited Professional, 16.6.2022. Available [online] at

Hadullo, K. O. & Getuno , D. M. (2021). Machine Learning Software Architecture and Model Workflow. A Case of Django REST Framework. American Journal of Applied Sciences18(1), 152-164.

Maritim, E.K. & Getuno, D.M. (2018). Scalability of Learners’ Success Rates in e-Learning: A Survey Study of the Learners’ Perspectives. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning, 21 (1). Available [online] at

Getuno, D.M., Changeiywo, J.K., Kiboss, J. & Ogolla, L. (2015). Effects of an E-Learning Module on Students’ Attitudes in an Electronics Class. Journal of Education & Practice, 6 (36), 80-86. Available [online] at

Getuno, D.M. (2013). A feasibility study for establishing an e-Learning Centre in Balbala, Djibouti. A paper presented to SOS Kinderdoff International, Regional Office for East Africa on 26th November 2013

Getuno, D.M. (2013). E-Learning in Capacity Building. A paper presented to the management of Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) on 20th June 2013.

Getuno, D.M. (2013). Effects of an e-learning module on polytechnic students’ practical skills and attitudes towards the topic “Transistors” in Electronics. Unpublished Master of Education (Science) thesis, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.


Refereed Exhibition

24th June 2023: Judge of the Tech Challenge, a students’ project in Engineering hosted by the Lions Clubs, Nakuru 

24 - 26 October 2023: Chief Judge - The Kitale National Polytechnic Innovations Competition


10th - 13th October 2023: Invited to the University of Zambia to present at a workshop on Problem-Based-Learning Bioeconomy Entrepreneurship and Capacity Building Programme in Africa on Open and Distance Learning (ODEL). Facilitated 2 practical sessions, namely 1. Open Educational Resources - Creating a Resource on the OER Commons 2. Multimedia - embedding videos. Participants were drawn from; HAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Aalto University (Finland), South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU), University of Nairobi, Egerton University, Mulungushi University, and University of Zambia. The workshop was held at Golden Zambezi Lodge, Zambia 

28th - 31st August 2023: Problem-Based-Learning Bioeconomy Entrepreneurship and Capacity Building Programme in Africa. Project - Workshop Facilitator for Open and Distance Learning (ODEL). Facilitated 4 of the sessions, namely 1. The Concept of ODEL - Learner Profiles 2) Developing Distance Learning Materials-Standards, the institutional E-learning Template & Multimedia 3) Open Educational Resources (OER) and Distance Learning, 4) Learner/Tutor Support in ODEL, Quality Assurance in ODEL Participating universities were; South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU), University of Nairobi, Egerton University, Mulungushi University, and University of Zambia. The workshop was held at ARC Hotel, Egerton University.

20th October 2022: PBL BioAfrica/AgriScale Projects - Participated in appraising Students' Challenges focusing on water Hyacinth in Lake Victoria. Students were from Aalto University (Finland), Egerton University (Kenya) and Gulu University (Uganda). Workshop was held at ARC Hotel, Egerton University.

19th - 23rd September 2022: Invited to HAMK  and Aalto University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Presented a session on E-learning in Africa & Gender Analysis under the auspices of PBL BioAfrica and Agriscale projects partners meeting. Participants from Gulu University Uganda, Egerton University, UoN, JKUAT, SEKU, Mlungushi University, University of Zambia, HAMK and Aalto.

4th - 8th April 2022: Invited (as consultant for International Aid Services, IAS, Denmark) to the Inclusive Education conference  held in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania to make a presentation on the Digital Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) System.  Countries represented in the Digital System are: Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan and Southern Sudan. The system is used to streamline data collection and analysis and provide a system for monitoring the project indicators and the achievement of outcomes.

23rd - 25th March 2022: Egerton University 14th Biennial Conference. Presented 3 papers, namely: i) Towards a Digital Transformation Agenda for Teaching, Learning And Assessment in Higher Education: The Case of Egerton University, Kenya, ii) A Theoretical Model for Predicting Undergraduate Students’ Adoption of E-Learning in Kenya’s Public Universities (with Prof. F. Keraro, Prof. E. K. Maritim and Dr. K.O. Hadullo), and iii) Communicative Competence in African Higher Education Classrooms: A Kenyan University Case Study (With Dr. J.S. Mukuni).

3rd March 2022 - date:  Invited Programme Committe Member as a reviewer in the 10th Pan-Commonwealth Forum (PCF10) on Opening Learning Papers - Fostering Lifelong Learning. Reviewed 15 abstracts. Full paper reviews ongoing for the conference planned for September 2022.

1st - 4th March 2022 - Sensitization Workshop for Universities, TVETs and Research Institutions in the Central Rift Valley Region on Intellectual Property (IP) Rights. Areas covered: (Introduction to IP; Trademarks; Geographic Indications; Patents and Utility Models; Technology & Innovation Support Centre (TISC); Industrial Designs and Copyright; Seeds and Plant Variety Protection in Kenya; Anti-counterfeit Agency (ACA) and Legal Framework; IP Management; Enforcement of IP Rights) 


EDCI 351 - Educational Communication and Technology

EDCI 398 - Learning Resource Project

EDCI 499 - Seminar Paper in Education

EDCI 333 - Physics Teaching Methods


2016 - Date: Member, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Kiamunyi Central, Nakuru



Prof. Ezra Maritim,

Professor of Psychology, Egerton University, P.O Box 536-20115 EGERTON, Kenya 



Prof. Fred Keraro,

Professor of Biology Education, Egerton University, P.O Box 536-20115 EGERTON, Kenya

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