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Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
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536-20115, Egerton- Nakuru; or Box 15428-20100- NAKURU

Dr. Stephen Wambugu Maina work as a lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Education and Extension, faculty of Education and Community Studies at Egerton University. I qualify with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in agricultural extension; a Master of Science degree in agricultural extension; and a bachelor of science in agriculture.


2010 – 2013: Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Extension (PhD), Egerton University, Njoro- Nakuru, Kenya

2006-2010; Master of Science in Agricultural Extension, Egerton University, Njoro- Nakuru, Kenya

1990-1995; Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Egerton University, Njoro- Nakuru, Kenya

1986-1989; Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education,  Kagumo High School (Nyeri)

1977-1985; Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, Thage-ini Primary School (Nyeri)


  • Agricultural Education and Extension 
  • 2012; 2014; 2017; Outreach, implementation,auditing and follow ups of good agricultural practices and promotion of sustainable agricultural practices on tea, coffee, chamomile, flowers, herbs and other crops.
  • 11-13/02/2019; Communication Skills for Researchers focussing on excellent communication skills, writing abstracts, persuasive proposals, academic collaboration..etc. British Council - Research Connect- at Acacia Premier Hotel- Kisumu (Kenya)
  • 2015; Certificate in New dimensions for extension management; National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, India.
  • 2014- 2021; Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Education and Extension, Faculty of Education and Community Studies, Egerton University, Njoro- Nakuru, Kenya
  • 2013-2014; Assistant Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Education and Extension, Faculty of Education and Community Studies, Egerton University, Njoro- Nakuru, Kenya
  • 2012 - 2013'; Extension Scientist, Kenya Sugar Research Foundation, Kisumu
  • 1997 - 2012; Principal Agricultural Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya    
  • 1996-1997; Teacher, Teachers Service Commission 


  • 2020-2021; Nuffic, Aeres , TVETA, Egerton University, KTTC, and CADENA consultancy work in Strengthening Agriculture TVET training in Kenya and Netherlands (Curriculum Review realigning to CBET)
  • 2012 - 2021; Consultant Lead Auditor- Rainforest Alliance Certification and Sustainable Agricultural Network Standards (SAN) and UTZ certified.


  • 2016-2019; Consultant for Assessing Farmer Learning Pathway Preferences and Agricultural Technology Uptake by Small Scale Farmers in Kenya for Biovision Africa Trust  
  • 14-31/05/2018; Contracted by Control Union Agriculture Services (Afghanistan), a company incorporated in Thailand, with its business address at Qala -e- fatullah, Street 2, 5th Floor, Kabul, Afghanistan to produce a commercial organic standard for the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in English language in 14-31 May 2018.
  • 2014- 2015; Consultant for Impact Evaluation of the Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP)
  • 2014; Consultant for Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP)- Contracted Agricultural Extension Service Delivery Model (CAESDM)
  • Agricultural extension
  • Food security
  • Rural Development
  • Organic agriculture
  • Community mobilization
  • Sustainable agricultural practices
  • Voluntary sustainable standards
  • Certifications
  • Adult education and learning
  • Climate change
  • soft skills
  • Informal/Jua- Kali Operators.  
  1. Menach, C. C., Obara, J. & Maina, S. W (2021). Influence of Contractual Arrangements on Weiwei Irrigation Scheme Household Food Security in Pokot Central Sub-County, Pokot County, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Education & Literature ISSN Print: 2708-5112 | ISSN Online: 2708-5120. 2(2); 5-17. 
  2. Kimu, E. W; Maina, S. W. & Kimurto, P (2020). To Establish the Influence Of Extension Services on Chickpea Production Among Small-Scale Farmers in Karaba Ward of Embu County. International Journal of science and Technology. Vol. 5 No. 3 July 2020. ISSN 2415-6586 
  3. Odero, Obara.J & Maina, S. W. (2019). Effects of Free Day Secondary School Programme on Students? Participation in Agriculture in Mbita Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). ISSN:2319-77064.
  4. Lihanda, J. M., Munyua, C, N & Maina, S. W. (2019). Relationship between landuse patterns and livelihood outcomes of selected households in Isinya Sub- County of Kajiado County, Kenya. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary ISSN 2320-5083, Volume 7, issue 2, March 2019.
  5. Luusa, J., Obara, J & Maina S. W. (2018). Farmer Field School Based Extension Education Services. Effectiveness of Farmer Field School Training in Promotion of Best Practices. International Book Market Services Ltd, Member of Omni Scriptum Publishing group.
  6. Luusa, J., Obara, J & Wambugu, S. (2018). Effectiveness of Farmer Field School Training in Promoting Adoption of Best Agricultural Practices by Smallholder Coffee Farmers in Kenya. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). ISSN 2307-4531.
  7. Maina, S. W. (2018). Draft Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Organic Products Standard. Control Union Agriculture Services (Afghanistan) Qala -e- fatullah, Street 2, 5th Floor, Kabul, Afghanistan.
  8. Maina, S. W. (2018). The Draft Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Organic Mark. Control Union Agriculture Services (Afghanistan) Qala -e- fatullah, Street 2, 5th Floor, Kabul, Afghanistan.
  9. Maina, S. W. (2017). Cost and Benefits of Training Smallholder Tea Farmers Using Farmer Field Schools in kenya. Farmer empowerment for transformed livelihood. A paper presented during Eastern Africa Field school sharing event. Lemigo Hotel, Kigali- Rwanda on 29-30 November 2017.
  10. Maina, S. W. (2017). Huduma Centres: A One Stop Platform For Service Delivery in Kenya. Governance of Agricultural Extension and advisory systems. Editors. Juvvadi, P. J & Shekara, P. C. BS Publications, Hyderabad- India. 190-194.
  11. Maina, S. W. (2016). The Costs and Benefits of Implementing Sustainable Agriculture Network standards and Rainforest Alliance Certification among Smallholder Tea Producers in Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 3 No. 4; April 2016.
  12. Maina, S. W. (2016). Relevance of Sustainable Agricultural Network Standards and Rainforest Alliance Certification in Promoting Governance and Achieving National Policy Recommendations in Kenya's Tea Sector.
  13. Maina, S. W. (2015). Research-Extension-Farmer Linkages in Kenya’s Agricultural Sector. A paper presented during the International Conference on Good Governance in Agricultural Extension on 3rd and 4th September 2015 at Centre for Good Governance (CGG), Gachibowli, Hyderabad (India) In Association with the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), India.
  14. Maina, S. W. & Mwangi, J. G. (2014). Using agricultural shows to create demand for Desmodium seeds in “push-pull” technology adoption in Western Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Extension, ISSN:2311-6110 (online), 2311-8547 (print).
  15. Maina, S. W. & Mwangi, J. G. (2014). The effectiveness of agricultural shows in enhancing adoption of the “push-pull” technology. European International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 2 April, 2014.
  16. Mwangi, J. G., & Maina, S. W. (2013). Improving food security through research and extension education: Effects of climate change and aflatoxins in Research for development (R&D) responses to food security and poverty reduction in Africa (Eds. Braim, D. J.). FUTO Press Ltd, Federal University of Technology, Owerri. Nigeria. ISBN:978-978-52058-2-8.
  17. Maina S. W., Mwangi, J. G., & Boselie, D. (2012). Cost and benefits of running a tea-based Farmer Field School in Kenya. PEC 2012; 47(47):165-177 ICID: 1020841 IC™ Value: 3.00
  18. Maina, S. W., Mwangi, J. G., Boselie, D., Onduru, D., & Buses, B. C. (2012). Up-scaling Farmer Field Schools and Rainforest Alliance certification among smallholder tea producers in Kenya: Options, opportunities and emerging lessons. PEC 2012; 43(43):141-158, ICID:
  19. 1002406, IC™ Value: 3.00
  20. Maina, S. W., & Mwangi, J. G. (2011). The effectiveness of agro-dealers in enhancing dissemination and adoption of the “push pull” technology among smallholder farmers in Western Kenya. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, ISSN 1822-7864: VOL 33, 2011.pp 118-132 Lithuania
  21. Mwangi, J. G., Oloo, J. O. & Maina, S. W. (2010). The effectiveness of Farmer Field Schools’ extension methodology in soil and water conservation using contour ploughing, unploughed strips, and farm yard manure. The Scientific Periodical Journal, Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 26(26), 52-65 ICID: 924618 IC™ Value: 3.00
  22. Mwangi, J. G., Nkurumwa, A. O. & Maina, S. W. (2010). Building Jua-Kali Operators’ Capacity in Soft Skills for Faster Economic Development. International Scientific Periodical Journal, Problems of Education in the 21st Century: Pedagogical Issues in Education, 25(25): 43-57, ICID: 924381 IC™ Value: 3.00
  23. Mwangi, J. G., & Maina, S. W. (2013). Nakuru County Jua-Kali Operators’ Soft Skills Competence Needs. A research report submitted to Egerton University.
  24. Maina S. W. (2013). System Design and Scalability of Farmer Field Schools and Rainforest Alliance Certification of Smallholder Tea Producers East and West of Rift Valley. A PhD Thesis
  25. Maina, M. W., & Maina, S. W. (2012). A Comparative Study of the Quality, Safety and Consumption Preference of Tap Water and Selected Brands of Bottled Water in Nairobi Kenya. A paper presented in the 16th African Water Association International Congress and Exhibition 20-23 February 2012. Marrakech. Morocco.
  26. Maina S. W., Buses, B. C., Mwangi, J. G., Boselie, D., Onduru, D., & Waarts, Y. (2012). System Design and Scalability of Farmer Field Schools and Rainforest Alliance Certification of Smallholder Tea Producers East and West of Rift Valley. A Research Report on the Scalability of Sustainable Tea Value Chain project in Kenya.
  27. Mwangi, J. G., Nkurumwa, A. O. & Maina, S. W. (2010). Building Jua-Kali Operators’ Capacity in Soft Skills for Faster Economic Development. A research report submitted to Egerton University.
  28. Mwangi, J. G., & Maina, S. W. (2010). Policy brief on “Building Jua-Kali Operators’ Capacity in Soft Skills for Faster Economic Development in Nakuru District, Kenya”. Submitted to Egerton University.
  29. Maina, S. W. (2010). The effectiveness of agricultural shows and agro-dealers in enhancing dissemination and adoption of the “push pull” technology among smallholder farmers in Western Kenya. Egerton University. Kenya. (Msc Thesis).
  1. Maina, S. W. (2017). Cost and Benefits of Training Smallholder Tea Farmers Using Farmer Field Schools in kenya. Farmer empowerment for transformed livelihood. A paper presented during Eastern Africa Field school sharing event. Lemigo Hotel, Kigali- Rwanda on 29-30 November 2017.
  2. Maina, S. W. (2017). Huduma Centres: A One Stop Platform For Service Delivery in Kenya. Governance of Agricultural Extension and advisory systems. Editors. Juvvadi, P. J & Shekara, P. C. BS Publications, Hyderabad- India. 190-194.
  3. Maina, S. W. (2015). Research-Extension-Farmer Linkages in Kenya’s Agricultural Sector. A paper presented during the International Conference on Good Governance in Agricultural Extension on 3rd and 4th September 2015 at Centre for Good Governance (CGG), Gachibowli, Hyderabad (India) In Association with the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), India.

Post graduate

  1. AGEX 733: Extension program planning and implementation
  2. AGED 744: Management of Agricultural organization
  3. AICM 721- Agricultural information and communication, 
  4. AGES 721: Spciology of rurral developmeny
  5. AGED Seminars 

Under graduate

  1. AGED 312- Technical writing and reporting
  2. AGED 331- Rural Socioloy
  3. AGED 332- Principles of Agricultural Extension,
  4. AGED 334- Extension Education
  5. AGED 433- Extension program planning and implementation
  6. AGED 434- Management of agricultural organizatione
  7. AGED 443- Agricultural Extension seminars and field visits.
  8. AGED 435- Agricultural xtension and rural development, 


  1. Jairus Muhatia Lihanda; Msc in Community Studies and Extension; Comparative study on changes in land use pattyerns and selected livelihood outcomes of househoods in Isinya Sub- County of Kajiado County, Kenya; (2019).
  2. Jonathan Muisyo Luusa; Msc in Agricultural Extension; Egerton University; Effectiveness of farmers field schools in promoting adoption of best agricultural practices practices by smallholders coffee farmers in Kenya; (2019).
  3. Alfred D.B TsiTsi; Msc in Agricultural Extension; Egerton University;  Influence of selection factors on participation of rural youth in agriculture in Balaka district, Malawi. (2019).


  1. Esther Waruguru Kimu; Msc in Agricultural Extension; Influence of selected factors on chickpea production among smallsclae farmers in Karaba ward of Embu County, Kenya 
  2. Carol Menach; Msc in Agricultural Extension; Egerton University
  3. Peter Odhiambo; Msc in Agricultural Education; Egerton University
  4. Willlis Makhola; Msc In Agricultural Education; Egerton University;
  5. Ida Akoth; Msc Agricutural Extension; Egerton University;
  6. Mercy Ambani; Msc Agricultural Extension; Egerton University

Affliations and Membership to Professional Bodies

  1. A life member of the International Society of Extension Education- NAGPUR-440001 (MS) India. Reg no. MAH-576/03 NGP.
  2. National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) Journal Life Member sl no. VR/DT/11-9-15/4/39
  3. Consultant Lead Auditor- Rainforest Alliance Certification and Sustainable Agricultural Standards (SAS) and UTZ Certified.
  4. Editorial Board Member and Reviewer for various peer reviewed international journals (International Journal of Agricultural Extension; The Advanced Journal of Agricultural Research; Editorial Board; Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, etc

Patron to Egerton University students/peers University clubs/organization

  1. Ameerah Egerton University Agriculture Foundation,
  2. Egerton Inua Student Association (EISA).

John Gowland Mwangi, PhD, DDG

Professor of Agricultural Education and Extension and former Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Extension), Egerton University

P.O. Box 536-20115;  Egerton, Kenya.

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Professor Bockline Omedo Bebe;

Deputy Vice chanchellor;

P. O Box 536-20115 Egerton- Kenya T

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Davies Onduru,

MSc, ETC East Africa Ltd.,

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