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Staff Information
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Job Category
Phone Number
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
Directorate / Dept
Curriculum and Instruction
Office Extension No.
Njoro Road

2013: PhD in Curriculum and Instruction (Mathematics Education) - Egerton University

2005: M.Ed   in   Curriculum   and   Instruction (Mathematics Education) - Egerton University

1998: Bachelor of Education (Arts) -Mathematics/geography - Egerton University

  • Curriculum and Instruction/Mathematics Education
  • Quantitative Research
  • Data Management



August 2019: Technology Enhanced Learning - PASGR

August 2018: Two   weeks   training   on   Pedagogical leadership in Africa - PASGR

June 2018: One day training on Access to Information Act 2016 complaint handling - CAJ

March 2018: Facilitated a Three Day Training on the use of Cases in curriculum Delivery - TAGDev Program

March 2018: Four Day Training on Impact Evaluation - PASGR and IDS

November 2017: Eleven Day Training on Advanced Research Design - PASGR and IDS

The Modules were;

  • Designing Social Inquiry,
  • Critical Policy Encaged Research,
  • Multi-Methods Strategies and
  • Ethics for Social Science Research

November 2017: Four Day  Training  on  Comparative  Case Analysis - PASGR and IDS

August 2014: Five Day Training as a Lead Instructor in Delivery of Master of Research and Public Policy - PASGR and IDS

May 2013: ISO 9001:2008 Refresher Training for Staff - Egerton University

February 2013: Complains Handling Mechanism - Egerton University

February 2013: Integrity Assurance Officer - EACC

June-July 2012: Research Methodology Workshop for PhD Candidates - OSSREA

June 2012: Facilitated Career Masters Workshop for High School Teachers - Egerton University

January 2012: Complains Handling - CAJ

March 2011: E-Learning Capacity Building - Futuristic

March 2010: pedagogy workshop - Egerton university

February 2010: proposal writing training - Egerton university

August 2005: Strengthening   Mathematics   and   Science (SMASSE) - MOEST


March 2022

Panel Member Scopes and Sequence Charts for Seniour Secondary Schools

March 2021

Chairman Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Management

September 2019

Technology Enhanced Learning Facilitator

July 2019

Promoted to Senior Lecturer Scale

May 2019   to Date

Coordinator Teacher Education Department, Egerton University

May 2019 to August 2021

Coordinator Department of External Studies and Media, Egerton University

April 2017   to Date

Programme Academic Leader, Bachelor of Education Science

March 2017

Appointed by DQA to Audit Application and Admission Processes

September  2016 to Date

Seconded to E-Campus to be in Charge of content development.

April 2016

Appointed to Faculty Evaluation Committee

October 2015

Presiding Officer, Students Election

November 2011

Appointed Member- Integrity Assurance Committee

October 2013

Appointed Member of Sub-committee on Students  Mass Failure

During 2012/2013 Academic Year

June  2013   to Date

  • Lecturer Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Education
  • Management Egerton University
  • Teaching and Research
  • Subjects: Mathematics Education, Curriculum Development,
  • Quantitative techniques, Research Methods and Data
  • management in education research
  • Co-ordinator B. Ed Science
  • Member to Faculty Teaching Practice Committee
  • Committee member to the University Performance Contract
  • Evaluation Team

September 2015 to October 2017

Appointed to the Faculty Research Team

May 2014 to 2016

Coordinator of CIEM Programmes in Nakuru Town Campus

January 2013               

 Integrity Assurance Officer - Egerton University

2009 to June 2013

Assistant Lecturer Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Education Management Egerton University

  • Teaching and Research
  • Subjects: Mathematics Education, Curriculum Development,
  • Quantitative techniques, Research Methods and Data management in education research
  • Performance Contract Coordinator in the Department of Curriculum
  • Instruction and Education Management
  • Committee member to the University Performance Contract
  • Evaluation Team

October 2011

SUEU Elections Presiding Officer

August 2009

Senior Supervisor - Ministry of Planning National Census Training Census Supervisors and Enumerators

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

2006 to 2009

Part-Time Lecturer - Kabarak University

Teaching: Mathematics Education, Curriculum Development and Research Methods

Part-Time Lecturer - Kenya Highlands Evangelical University

Teaching: Mathematics Education, Curriculum Development, Research Methods, Business Mathematics and Statistics

Part-Time Lecturer - Egerton University

Teaching: Mathematics Education, Curriculum Development and Research Methods

2007 to 2009: Book Evaluator- Kenya Institute of Education; 

Evaluation of Supplementary Instructional Materials (Mathematics Panel)


January to December 2012: Curriculum Development For Tea Industry (Tea Board of Kenya)

2016: Faculty of Education Tracer Studies B. Ed Science Self- Evaluation

2017: Application and Admission Audit

  • Curriculum Studies 
  • Instruction
  • Mathematics Education
  • Public Policy
  1. Ndegwa, A. W. Ngeno, J. K. & Ndeke, G. C. W. (2023). Effects 0f Simulation Teaching Technique on Achievement of Students in Physics Concepts in Buurieast Sub-County Kenya. Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas (JEREDA)
    Vol. 4. Issue 1, Pp. 65 – 77,

  2. Chepkoech, B., Maina, S. W. Ng’eno, J. K. & Obwina A. G., (2023). Influence of plant health clinic training services on potato production: Evidence from smallholder farmers
    in molo sub-county, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Vol.15(1), pp. 13-21. DOI: 10.5897/JAERD2022.1357

  3. Cheptirim1, E. Maina, S. W. & Ng’eno J. K. (2023). Effect of computer-based instruction approach on students’ academic achievement in agriculture in secondary schools in Baringo North Subcountry, Kenya. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 2023; 3(1):55-59

  4. Lomonyang E., Keraro, F. N.  & Ng’eno, J. K. (2023) Gender Differences in Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Chemistry in Samburu County, Kenya. Frontiers in Education    Technology Vol. 6, No.4
  5. Chepkoech, B., Maina S.W. & Ng’eno J. K. (2022) Influence of Plant Health Clinic Advisory Services on Potato Production among Smallholder Farmers in Molo Sub-County, Kenya (2022). Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 40(11): 659-669,
  6. Karani, A. O. Kyule, M. N., Nge’no, J. (2022). How are Teachers Trained for Teaching Competence based Grade Four Agriculture? A Case of Public Primary Schools in Njoro Sub-County in Nakuru County, International Journal of Education Technology and Science 2(3) (2022) 399–414

  7. Komen1, H., Ng’eno, J. & Fedha, F. (2022). Influence of Public Participation on Legislative Process of Kaprobu Dam Project, Moiben Sub-County Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, International Journal of Advanced Research and Review, 7(11), 2022; 55-68

  8. Songony T., Ngeno J. and  Juma, D. (2021).  Influence of Learning Resources on the Implementation of Inclusive Education in Selected Public Primary Schools in Trans-nzoia County, Kenya, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 2 Issue No.2. November, 2021. PP 1-8. ISSN 2708-504X
  9. Andrew Waaswa, Agnes Oywaya Nkurumwa, Anthony Mwangi Kibe, Ng’eno Joel Kipkemoi (2021)Communicating Climate Change Adaptation Strategies: Climate-Smart Agriculture Information Dissemination Pathways among Smallholder Potato Farmers in Gilgil Sub-County, Kenya, HELIYON,
  10. Waaswa, A., Nkurumwa, A. O., Kibe. A. M. & Ngeno, J.  K. (2021). Climate-Smart agriculture and potato production in Kenya: review of the determinants of practice, Climate and Development, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2021.1885336
  11. Rotich, E. C., Githua  B.N. & Ng’eno J.K. (2020). Influence of Teachers’ Characteristics on Their Attitude Towards the Integration of ICT in Mathematics Instruction in Primary, Journal of Education and Practice, Vol.11, No.36
  12. Ombasa, V. M, Nkurumwa, A. O. & Ng’eno, J. K. (2020). Influence of Market Information Communication Channels on The Production of High-Value Crops among Smallholder Tree Tomato Farmers in Ol’kalou Sub-County, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, vol. viii issue 11, United Kingdom,
  13. Banda, O. A., Udoto, M. O. & Ng'eno, J. K. (2020). Influence of Selected Socio-economic Factors on the Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Technologies in Maize Farming in Mzimba South, Malawi, International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research (IJAER)
  14. Banda, O. A., Udoto, M. O. & Ng'eno, J. K. (2020). Influence of Selected Institutional and Technological Factors on the Adoption of
    Sustainable Agriculture Technologies in Maize Farming in Mzimba South, Malawi, Journal of Agriculture and Crops Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp: 16-26,
  15. Asilla R. A., Okere, M. & Ng’eno, J. K. (2017). Impact of Technologically Enhanced Language Learning on Learner Achievement in Reading Skills. A Case Study of Nakuru County. IOSR Journal of Research and Methods in Education, Volume 7 Issue 1
  16. Bartilol, S. J. & Ng’eno, J. K. (2016). Influence of selected Factors on Pupils’ Academic Performancein Public Primary Schools in Keiyo South Sub-County, Kenya
  17. Chesimet M. C, Githua B.N & Ng’eno, J. K. (2016). Effects of Experiential Learning Approach on Students’ Mathematical Creativity among Secondary School Students of Kericho East Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice Vol. 7 No. 23, 2016
  18. Langat C. Benard, Ng’eno J.K. & Sang A. K (2016). Influence of Selected Econonic Factors on Girl child Participation in Secondary School Education in Bureti Sub county, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice Vol. 7 No. 18, 2016
  19. Ng’eno,  J.  K.  &  Chesimet,  M.  C.(2016).  Differences  in  Mathematics  Teachers’ Perceived Preparedness to Demonstrate Competence in Secondary school Mathematics Content by Teacher Characteristics. Journal of Education and Practice Vol. 7 No. 18, 2016
  20. Langat C. Bernard, Bett John & Ng’eno J.K. (2016). Causes of Absenteeism and Dropout Among Girls in Secondary Schoolsin Bureti Sub County, Kenya. Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 6 No. 12, 2016
  21. Langat C. Benard, Ng’eno J.K. & Sang A. K (2016). Selected Social Factors That Affect Girl Child’s Participation In Secondary Schools In Bureti Sub County, Kenya, International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) Volume 3 Issue 8, July 2016
  22. Chesimet, M. C, Anditi Z. O. & Ng’eno, J. K. (2016). Effects of Experiential Learning Approach on Students’ Achievement in Secondary School Mathematics in Kericho East Sub-County, Kenya International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies IJIRAS) Volume 3 Issue 8, July 2016
  23. Ng’eno, J. K. & Chesimet, M. C.(2015). Teachers’ Perception of their Preparedness toApply  Facilitation  Teaching   in  Secondary  School  Mathematics  Instruction  by Characteristics. Journal of Education and Practice Vol. 6 No. 24, 2015
  24. Keter, K. J.; Barchok, H. K. & Ng'eno J, (2014). Effects of Cooperative Mastery Learning Approach on Student’ Motivation to Learn Chemistry by Gender. Journal of Education and Practice Vol. 5 No. 8, 2014  (25.32)
  25. Soi D, Barmao, A. & Ng’eno J, (2013). Influence of School Type on Girls’ Attitudes Towards Mathematics In Ainamoi Division, Kericho District, Kenya Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. 2 No. 3 August 2013      (26.65)1313
  26. Wambugu  P,  Barmao  A,  &  Ng’eno  J.  (2013)  Student  Teachers’  Perceptions  of Teaching Practice Assessment in Egerton University, Kenya. Education Journal. Vol. 2, No. 4, August 2013, pp. 169-175. doi: 10.11648/  (27.98)
  27. Ng'eno  J,  Githua  B,  &  Changeiywo,  J  (2013).   Teachers’  Perceptions  of  Their Preparedness to Integrate Information Communication and Technology in Secondary School Mathematics Instruction in Rift Valley Region, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice   Vol.4 No.12, 2013 (31.98)
  28. Changeiywo, J.M., Ng’eno J. K., &. Barchok H.K (2013) Differences in Teacher Intentions to Apply SMASSE Methods in Teaching Secondary School Mathematics and Science Based on Gender and Working Experience in Kericho And Bomet Counties Of Kenya. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vol.2 No. 2, May 2013
  29. Barchok K.H.,  Too J.K, & Ng’eno K.J. (2013). Effect of Collaborative Concept Mapping Teaching Strategy on Students’ Attitudes towards Chemistry  in Select Secondary Schools in Kenya. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vol.2 No. 2, May 2013
  30. Changeiywo, J. M., Barchok H.K. & Ng’eno, J.K. (2011). Relationship of Selected Teachers’ Characteristics and their Intentions to Teach Mathematics And Science Using SMASSE  Recommended  Methods  in  Secondary  Schools  in  Bomet  and  Kericho Counties, Kenya. Mangalmay Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 2, No. 1, 2011
  31. Mibei, R. K. & Ng’eno, J. K. (2010). The support mechanism for the implimentation of subsidized secondary education in public schools secondary schools, kericho District Kenya. International Journal of Education and Human Services vol. 2 No. 2
  32. Ngeno, J. K. & Changeiywo, J. M. (2006). Class Level Difference  in Students’ Motivation to Learn Secondary School Mathematics in Kericho District, Kenya, Journal of Education and Human Resources Vol. 4 No. 1. 2006
  33. Ngeno, J. K., Changeiywo, J. M & Mondoh H. O. (2006). Gender Differences in Students’  Motivation to  learn Secondary School Mathematics  in Kericho District, Kenya, GYAN-The Journal of Education A peer Reviewed international Journal; Vol. 2 No. 2
  34. Ng’eno, J. K. & Changeiywo, J. (2005). Differences in pupils’ motivation to learn mathematics by gender and class level among upper primary school pupils in Kenya’s Kericho municipality. Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria vol. 10 No.1 & 2
  35. Ng’eno, J. K & Githua, B. N. (2005). Differences in Teachers’ Attitudes towardsMathematics Educational Phase, Gender and their Academic qualifications in Kenya’s Kericho District, Kenya Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria vol. 11 No. 1 &2
  36. Githua, B. N. & Ngeno, J. K. (2004). Differences in pupils’ Mathematics Self-Conceptby Class Level and Gender in Upper Primary Schools: some findings from Kenya’s Kericho Municipality. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research vol. 16 No. 3


Other Publications

  1. Ng’eno J. K. (2016).  Teachers’ Preparedness to Effectively Implement Mathematics Curriculum; Lambert Academic Publishing Deutschland, Germany
  2. Ng’eno J. K. (2017).  Social Statistics II (An Online Module, for E-Learning Students)
  3. Ng’eno, J. K. & Leo, O. (2015). Data Management in Education (An Online Module, for E- Learning Students)
  4. Ng’eno, J. K. (2014). Quantitative Research Methods (An Online Module, for E-Learning Students)
  5. Ng’eno J. & Ngigi, M. (2014). Multiplicity of interests within one community (National): A case of Human Wildlife conflict. Partnership  for  African Social and Partnership Research (PASGR)
  6. Ng’eno J. & Ngigi, M. (2014). Successful “bottom” up agenda setting process: A case of Female Genital mutilation in Kenya. Partnership  for  African Social and Partnership Research (PASGR)
  7. Ngigi, M. & Ng’eno J. (2014). New Institutional Economics/NPE:  A case of collective action to manage furrow irrigation. Partnership  for  African Social and Partnership Research (PASGR)
  8. Ngigi, M. & Ng’eno J. (2014). Economic Policy Issue Case Study (e.g. Effects of global financial crises and response by African countries): A case of Oil shocks in Sub-Saharan Africa. Partnership  for  African Social and Partnership Research (PASGR)

August 2019: Technology Enhanced Learning - PASGR

August 2018: Two   weeks   training   on   Pedagogical leadership in Africa - PASGR

June 2018: One day training on Access to Information Act 2016 complaint handling - CAJ

March 2018: Facilitated a Three Day Training on the use of Cases in curriculum Delivery - TAGDev Program

March 2018: Four Day Training on Impact Evaluation - PASGR and IDS

November 2017: Eleven Day Training on Advanced Research Design - PASGR and IDS

The Modules were;

  • Designing Social Inquiry,
  • Critical Policy Encaged Research,
  • Multi-Methods Strategies and
  • Ethics for Social Science Research

November 2017: Four Day  Training  on  Comparative  Case Analysis - PASGR and IDS

August 2014: Five Day Training as a Lead Instructor in Delivery of Master of Research and Public Policy - PASGR and IDS

May 2013: ISO 9001:2008 Refresher Training for Staff - Egerton University

February 2013: Complains Handling Mechanism - Egerton University

February 2013: Integrity Assurance Officer - EACC

June-July 2012: Research Methodology Workshop for PhD Candidates - OSSREA

June 2012: Facilitated Career Masters Workshop for High School Teachers - Egerton University

January 2012: Complains Handling - CAJ

March 2011: E-Learning Capacity Building - Futuristic

March 2010: pedagogy workshop - Egerton university

February 2010: proposal writing training - Egerton university

August 2005: Strengthening   Mathematics   and   Science - (SMASSE) MOEST

  1. Certificate of Recognition -  Vetting of University Performance Contract
  • Mathematics Education,
  • Curriculum Development,
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research
  • Data Management

Prof. Anthony K. Sang

Egerton University

Box 536-20115


 Dr. Noah Murumba Kiveu

Egerton University

Box 536-20115



Prof. Johnson M. Changeiywo

Egerton University

Box 536-20115


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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"