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Faculty of Environment and Resources Development
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P.O. Box 536 Egerton

I am a Lecturer in the Department of Geography and a graduate of Egerton University with a Ph.D. (Human Geography - Urban Geography), M.A. (Human Geography), and BA (Human Geography and Economics). I have worked as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department from the 3rd of August, 2011 to the 8th of November 2023, and as a Lecturer from the 9th of November, 2023 to present. My teaching areas include quantitative Techniques in Geography, Research Methods, Development Studies, and Urban Studies. 

I obtained a PhD in Geography (Urban Studies) and graduated on the 27th of October 2023. My PhD research topic was: Assessment of Beneficiaries’ Perceptions of the Post-Implementation Stages and Sustainability of Slum Upgrading in Nakuru City and Kitale Town, Kenya.  I have participated in several research projects and published papers with other scholars at Egerton University.

Apart from teaching, I have served as Examination Officer of the Geography Department since June 2014, Field Work and Internship Coordinator since 2018, Academic Program Leader in Master of Science in Urban Management (2023-2026), and a member of the Curriculum Review Committee in the Department since 2018. This is in addition to various other administrative responsibilities as assigned by the Chairperson of the Department.




2014-2023       Egerton University.

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Geography

 Thesis Title: Assessment of Beneficiaries’ Perceptions of the Post-Implementation Stages and Sustainability of Slum Upgrading in Nakuru City and Kitale Town, Kenya.


Prof. Francis Nyongesa Wegulo (Geography Department, Egerton University) and

Prof. Hadijah Matilu Murenga (PSSS Department, Egerton University)

 Graduation: 27th October 2023


2001 - 2004     Egerton University.

Masters of Arts Degree in Human Geography.

Thesis title: Food Insecurity in Sabatia Division of Vihiga District, Western Province of Kenya: An Examination of Household Coping Strategies. Graduated on 18th of June, 2004.


Prof. Francis Nyongesa Wegulo (Geography Department, Egerton University) and

Prof. Kenedy Nyabuti Ondimu (Geography Department, Egerton University)

Graduation: 18th June 2004


1996-2001    Egerton University

B. A. degree, Economics and Human Geography.

Graduated with a Second Class Honours (Upper Division),

Graduation: 15th of November, 2001.


1991-1994                   Mbale High School.

K. C. S. E., Attained an aggregate grade of B-, 1994.



1983-1990    Mulundu Primary School.

K. C. P. E., Attained a total of 433 marks (55 points), 1990.

  1. Quantitative techniques in Geography,
  2. Applied statistics in Geography
  3. Urban Studies,
  4. Development Geography - Participatory approaches,
  5. Research Methodology,
  6. Food security,
  7. Livelihood analysis

9th November 2023-Present: Lecturer, Department of Geography, Egerton University


Teaching and examination of undergraduate students in various Geography courses, especially Quantitative Techniques in Geography, Applied Statistics in Geography, Urban Studies, Development Geography, Research Methodology, Geography of Kenya, and Practical Geography.


3rd Aug. 2011- 8th November 2023: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Geography, Egerton University


Teaching and examination of undergraduate students in various Geography courses, especially Quantitative Techniques in Geography, Urban Studies, Development Geography, Research Methodology, and Practical Geography.


3rd June 2014 – Present: Examination Officer, Department of Geography, Egerton University


Coordination of examination matters in the department including organizing departmental course allocations, ensuring effective examination and teaching time table, receiving and recording examination drafts, submitting examination drafts to the external examiner, forwarding examination drafts to the Examination Office for processing, receiving and recording marked examinations, maintaining records of CAT marks, presenting marks at the Faculty Board, attending to students examination matters (complains and issues), etc.


2019 – present: Field attachment coordinator Geography Department


  • Coordination of field attachment of students including identification of internship opportunities, preparation of students for field attachment, liaising with external supervisors of students, grading student attachment reports, etc
  • Member of Curriculum Review, Geography Department
  • Self-assessment of curriculum for review
  • Ensuring compliance of the department with the existing curriculum
  • Coordination with servicing departments for harmony in the implementation of the curriculum

 2023-2026: Academic Program Leader in Master of Science in Urban Management (2023-2026)

2007-2009: Research Consultant with ActionAid International Kenya


  • Coordination and implementation of research activities
  • Report writing
  • Communication of research findings
  • Drafting of policy briefs emanating from research findings
    1. Urban Studies,
    2. Development Geography
    3. Community development
    4. Project monitoring and evaluation, sustainability and impact assessment
    5. Food security,
    6. Livelihood analysis
  1. Lugairi, E., Wegulo, F. N., & Murenga, H. M. (2023). Towards More Sustainable NGO Slum Upgrading Interventions: Lessons from Secondary Cities of Nakuru and Kitale, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 14(18), 96-105.
  2. Lugairi, E., Wegulo, F. N. & Murenga, H. M. (2023). Beneficiary Participation in Post-Implementation Stages in Slum Upgrading in Secondary Cities of Nakuru and Kitale, Kenya. Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(12), 18-28. 10.7176/RHSS/13-12-03
  3. Lugairi, E. (2011). Coping with Food Insecurity in Rural Households in Kenya: Household Food Security Situation in Sabatia Division, Kenya. Monograph. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (August 17 2011).
  4. Lugairi, E., Wegulo, F. N. & Ondimu, K. N. (2012). Coping with Poverty and Food Shortages in Sabatia District of Kenya. Journal of Environment Natural Resources Management and Society, JENRS Series, 1 (1): 92-103
  5. R.S. Shivairo, J. Matofari, C.I. Muleke, P.K. Migwi, E. Lugairi (2013). Production Challenges and Socio-Economic Impact of Dairy Goat Farming amongst smallholder Farmers in Kenya. Journal of Food Science and quality management Vol 17-pp 54-61. ISSN2224-6088.
  1. Quantitative Techniques in Geography
  2. Applied Statistics in Geography
  3. Urban Studies
  4. Development Geography - participatory approaches
  5. Research Methods
  6. Practical Geography
  7. Geography of Kenya

Prof. F. N. Wegulo,

Department of Geography,

Egerton University,

P. O. BOX 536, Egerton.


Prof. H. M. Murenga,

Department of Peace Security and Social Studies,

Egerton University,

P. O. BOX 536, Egerton.


Prof. Gilbert Obati Obwoyere,

Department of Natural Resources

Egerton University,

P. O. BOX 536, Egerton.

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