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Dr Benard Odhiambo Oloo, PhD

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Mr. Benard Oloo is a Food Safety and Quality Expert, a team Leader, Lecturer of Food Science, Trainer, Life Coach and Author. Mr. Oloo is a  Lecturer of Food science and Technology at Egerton University focusing on food safety of different commodity value chains in Kenya. He holds an MSc. Food Science and Technology from Egerton and successfully defended his PhD in March 2021 from the same University awaiting conferment. Previously, he has worked in the Food Industry both as a production supervisor, production manager and quality assurance manager. He is currently in charge of the Guildford Dairy Institute at Egerton University where he is serving as a Food Safety Team Leader implementing ISO 22,000:2005, Food Safety Management System. Mr. Oloo’s research include new product development, value addition, quality and safety. Some of the specific commodities he has worked with include fruits and vegetables, milk and milk products, potatoes, sweet potatoes, meat and meat products safety and quality and indigenous chicken quality and safety. He has earned several international awards including: Borlaug Fellowship (Michigan State University USA 2019), Emerging Leaders Network Award by Institute of Food Technology (IFT), USA 2018, PhD student exchange programme (Durban University of Technology, South Africa) and the African Biosciences Challenge Fund, 2017-2018 at ILRI, Kenya.


2021: PhD Food Science  Graduate - Egerton University, Kenya

Enhancing quality and safety of Indigenous chicken processing in Kenya

2014: MSc. Food Science - Egerton University,Kenya

Enhanced retention of Beta-carotene in Orange Fleshed Sweet potatoes by lactic acid  Fermentation.

2008: BSc. Food Science and Technology ( 1st Class honours) - Egerton University, Kenya             



Food Science, Food safety, Food biotechnology and Value addition  


Food Safety & Food Systems:

  • HACCP FSMS and Codex Alimentarius
  • Microbial safety studies based on metagenomics.
  • Food standards development.
  • Circular Economy in Food Systems.
  • Best practice in GMO & Biotechnology

Pedagogy and Training:

  • Curricular and Course design and delivery
  • Team building and Workshop Facilitation
  • Grantsmanship and resource manipulation.
  • Workshop and conference presentation
  • Editor, peer reviewer and writer

Community and international Development:

  • Effective partnerships and collaboration.
  • Events and workshops planning and execution.

Food Scientist, Published Author, Peer Reviewer, Editor, and Life Coach



2014-to Date: Lecturer-Food Science and Technology.

  • Conducting research, teaching and examination of Food Science and related courses
  • Lecturing and taking students through various practical courses in Food Science and related courses.

Egerton University, Dairy & Food Science  & Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, #536-20115-Egerton-Kenya.

Food Safety Team Leader, Guilford Dairy Institute, Egerton University.

2011-2014-Part time Lecturer and Free Lance Writer.

  • Lecturing Technology of Specific products

Eldoret Polytechnic, Eldoret-Kapsabet, Road #4461-30100-Eldoret.

2007-2011: Quality Assurance/Production Manager:

  • Planning, organizing and supervising production of cereals, fruits and vegetables under HACCP, BRC and IFS certification.

Njoro Canning K. Ltd and Sparta Foods Kenya. Ltd, Nairobi Kenya.   Njoro Canning Factory (k) Ltd #7076-20110, Nakuru, Kenya.

  •  Towards A Circular Coconut Production System Through Better Utilization of (By) Products and Stakeholder Collaboration; CLOC Eastern Africa, Seed Money Grant 2022 (Amount-CHF 17,000).
  • Building Capacity of Key African HEI to Harness the Value of Nano-Biosensor Technology through the Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics, AAP Transforming Institutions Strategic Grant,2022 (Amount USD 20,000).
  • Exploration of Antimicrobial Compounds from Edible Insects and Indigenous chickens’ Skin and Feathers for Applications in Food and industry., funded by GCRF AgriFood Africa programme -2022 (Amount, USD 30,000).
  • EU-SVU-MSU Partnership for Sustainable Development between Egerton University (EU), Somaiya Vidyavihar University (SVU) and Michigan State University (MSU) (USD 30,000)

  • Research on best practice on GMOs, Quality and Safety of Kenyan Indigenous chicken (USD 5000).

I am most passionate about working at the intersection of scientific research, knowledge, and debate. At the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) at Michigan State University (MSU), USA, I am currently the Global Fellows Network Coordinator (2023-2025).

My research interests and effort are geared toward Food Systems transormation through Improved Food and Nutrition Security by fostering International collaborative research geared to the application of knowledge and experience in the area of Food science, Food Safety and value addition tools to guarantee food safety towards a circular production systems for improved livelihoods and poverty alleviation. 


From Doctoral Dissertation-Publications with peer Review Process

  1. Benard O. Oloo*, Symon M. Mahungu, Alexander K. Kahi, and Eric Amonsou. (2019). Fatty Acid and Amino Acid Profile of Indigenous Cluster Ecotypes of Kenyan Free-ranging Chicken. Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Research 2019, 1(1), 1-11. Available from:
  2. Oloo, B. O., Mahungu, S., Kahi, A., & Amonsou, E. (2018). Quantity and Functionality of Protein Fractions Isolated from 3 Ecotypes of Indigenous Chicken in Kenya. Food Science and Nutrition, 2(3). For more details click here: DOI: 22158/fsns.v2n3p70
  3. Oloo, B. O*., Mahungu, S., & Kahi, A. (2018). Descriptive sensory quality of Kenya’s indigenous chicken meat from different ecotype-clusters reared under an intensive system. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 18(1). For more details click here DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.81.16900 
  4. Oloo B O*, Mahungu S, Gogo L, A Kahi (2017). Design of a HACCP plan for indigenous chicken slaughter house in Kenya. J. Food Agric. Nutr. Dev. 2017; 17(1): 11616-11638  For more details click here DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.77.16765.

Further Publications-with peer review process

  1. Oloo B. O., (2022). Opportunities for Development of Sausage Casing manufacturing Industry in Developing countries. Submitted to; International Journal of Food Science, Hindawi. In Print:
  2. Endale, B. Oloo et al., 2022. Sustainable Access of Quality Seeds of Genetically Engineered Crops in Eastern Africa – Case Study of Bt Cotton. Advances in Agriculture,Available from:
  3. Oloo, B*., Maredia, K., & Mbabazi, R. (2020). Advancing adoption of genetically modified crops as food and feed in Africa: The case of Kenya. African Journal of Biotechnology, 19(10), 694-701. For more details click here: DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  4. Oloo, B*., Maredia, K., & Mbabazi, R. (2020). Earning trust and building credibility with a new paradigm for effective scientific risk-benefit communication of biotechnology innovations. African Journal of Biotechnology, 19(9), 684-693. For more details click here  DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  5. Benard Oloo*, Lanoi Daisy and Ruth Oniang’o (2018). Food Safety Legislation in Some Developing Countries, Food Safety. Yehia El-Samragy, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.75587. Available from:
  6.  Oloo, B. O. ;  Oniang'o, R. ;  Lanoi, D. (2017). Enhancing Global Harmonization of regulations for reducing Food losses and Waste in sub-Saharan Africa. The 1st All Africa Post Harvest Congress & Exhibition, Reducing food losses and waste: sustainable solutions for Africa, 28th-31st March 2017, Nairobi, Kenya. Conference Proceedings 2017 pp.171-172 ref.2 Click here Enhancing global harmonization of regulations for reducing food losses and waste in sub-Saharan Africa. for details.
  7. Benard Oloo and Julia IJsselmuiden (2016). Reducing World Food Losses: Fresh demo project introduces ‘Contronics Humidifiers’ solution to agri-food losses. African Journal of Food Agriculture and Nutrition. Afr. J. Food Agric. Nutr. Dev. 2016; 16(4): Commentary. Avialable at:

  8. Benard OO (2016) Lessons in Sustainable Dairy Farming to Kenyan Dairy Sector from the Dutch Dairy Sector. J Adv Dairy Res 4: 162. for more details click Lessons in Sustainable Dairy   DOI:10.4172/2329-888X.1000162
  9. Oloo Benard O*., Shitandi. A., Mahungu S. Malinga J. B, Ogata, B. R. (2013). Effects of Lactic Acid Fermentation on the Retention of Β-Carotene Content of Orange Fleshed sweet potato. International Journal of Food Studies. Vol. 3: pp. 13-33. For more details click here: DOI 10.7455/ijfs/3.1.2014.a2
  10. Oloo Benard O*., Shitandi. A., Mahungu S. Malinga J. B. (2013). Effects of Lactic Acid Fermentation on Sensory Profile of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato, Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 1-5. For more details click here:doi: 10.11648/j.jfns.20130101.13

Books Published: 

  1. Oloo Benard O; A Shitandi ; S Mahungu (2015). Retention of Β-Carotene content of orange fleshed sweet potato.  Softcover. ISBN 10: 3659746762  ISBN 13: 9783659746765. Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015. For more details click Retention of Β-Carotene content of orange fleshed sweet potato
  2. Oloo Benard O. (2019). Essentials of Civilization. Afrca's Quest for Civilization and Why Your Voice is the Missing link. Oracle House Publishers, Nakuru, Kenya.
  3. Oloo Benard O. (2021). Acing Campus and Zooming the Market Place. Mastering the Art of Personal Responsibility in College Years. Oracle House Publishers, Nakuru Kenya. In print.

Publicationswith peer review as conference proceedings:

  1. Benard Oloo: Emerging food safety concerns even as we celebrate the World Food Safety Day 2020. GHI Newsletter. June, 2020
  2. Oloo Benard O., Obar James A., Mahungu Symon M., Kahi Alexander K., Machuka Eunice, Rogger Pelle. (2019). Metagenomic Characterization of microbial communities from different nodes of indigenous chicken value chain in Kenya. 1st GHI World Congress on Food Safety and Security held between 23-29th March 2019, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  3. Oloo Benard O*., Mahungu, L. Gogo and A.K. Kahi. (2016). Design of a HACCP Plan for indigenous chicken Slaughter house in Kenya. Poster presented at 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, IUFoST, at Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland.
  4. Oloo Benard O,. Mahungu, L. Gogo and A.K. Kahi. (2016). Key note speaker at “ASSURING SAFETY OF KENYAN INDIGENOUS CHICKEN; THINKING GLOBALLY WHILE ACTING LOCALLY’’. 1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development. Fostering Innovations for the Livestock Industry 26th – 30th June, 2016 Sentrim Elementaita Lodge, Nakuru, Kenya.
  5. Oloo Benard O,. Mahungu, L. Gogo and A.K. Kahi. (2015). Prevalence of E.coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and coliforms on surfaces and rinse water in poultry slaughter house in Nakuru County. Presented at Regional conference on SUSTAINABLE IMPROVEMENT OF INDIGENOUS CHICKEN PRODUCTIVITY at ARC Hotel, Egerton University from 9th-10th Sept. 2015
  1. Benard Oloo: Emerging food safety concerns even as we celebrate the World Food Safety Day 2020. GHI Newsletter. June, 2020
  2. Oloo Benard O., Obar James A., Mahungu Symon M., Kahi Alexander K., Machuka Eunice, Rogger Pelle. (2019). Metagenomic Characterization of microbial communities from different nodes of indigenous chicken value chain in Kenya. 1st GHI World Congress on Food Safety and Security held between 23-29th March 2019, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  3. Oloo Benard O,. Mahungu, L. Gogo and A.K. Kahi. (2018). Fatty Acid and Amino Acid Profiles of 3 Cluster Ecotypes of Indigenous Chicken in Kenya. Conference Proceedings of the Egerton University's 12th International Conference from 28th to 30th March, 2018. The theme of the conference is: Knowledge Solutions for the Society, the Economy and the Environment.
  4. B.O. Oloo, S.M.Mahung, L.A. Gogo, A.K.Kahi, N. Wafula. (2017). Descriptive Sensory Quality of Kenya’s Indigenous Chicken Meat from Different Ecotype-Clusters Reared under an Intensive System.  Conference Proceedings of the 11th EGERTON UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND INNOVATION WEEK ON KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. HELD BETWEEN 29 TH – 31ST MARCH, 2017 FACULTY OF EDUCATION COMPLEX, EGERTON UNIVERSITY, NJORO, KENYA
  5. Benard Oloo., Daisy Lanoi and Ruth Oniango’. (2017). ENHANCING GLOBAL HARMONIZATION OF REGULATIONS FOR REDUCING FOOD LOSSES AND WASTE IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Conference Proceedings from the 1st All Africa Post-harvest Congress and Exhibition. Held from 28th-31st of March, 2017 at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi Kenya.
  6. Oloo Benard O*., Mahungu, L. Gogo and A.K. Kahi. (2016). Design of a HACCP Plan for indigenous chicken Slaughter house in Kenya. Poster presented at 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, IUFoST, at Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland.
  7. Oloo Benard O,. Mahungu, L. Gogo and A.K. Kahi. (2016). Key note speaker at “ASSURING SAFETY OF KENYAN INDIGENOUS CHICKEN; THINKING GLOBALLY WHILE ACTING LOCALLY’’. 1st World Congress on Innovations for Livestock Development. Fostering Innovations for the Livestock Industry 26th – 30th June, 2016 Sentrim Elementaita Lodge, Nakuru, Kenya.
  8. Oloo Benard O,. Mahungu, L. Gogo and A.K. Kahi. (2015). Prevalence of E.coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and coliforms on surfaces and rinse water in poultry slaughter house in Nakuru County. Presented at Regional conference on SUSTAINABLE IMPROVEMENT OF INDIGENOUS CHICKEN PRODUCTIVITY at ARC Hotel, Egerton University from 9th-10th Sept. 2015
  9. Oloo Benard O., Kibe Anthony, Ochola Sylvans (2014). Harnessing the Value of Banana as a Strategic Commodity for Increased Competitive Advnatage in Selected Counties in Kenya. Presented at the Fourth Anual International Conerence on Innovations for Advancement of Humanity. IFAH-2014 from 2-4th July, 2014 at Eldoret Polytechnic, Kenya.


  1. Appointed Member of the Global Fellows Network College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) at Michigan State University (MSU), USA
  2. Trainer ILO-Start Your Business (SYB) business readiness training of trainers,
  3. Trainee of Trainers Agripreneurship Alliance, Switzerland.
  4. Early Career Achievement Award by Visiting International Professionalprogrammes,(VIPP),Michigan State university, 2022.
  5. Borlaug Fellowship Michigan State University, USA Sept-Nov 2019
  6. Emerging Leaders Network, IFT Chicago, USA 2018
  7. Africa Bio-Sciences Challenge Fund- Fellowship, ILRI-BecA Hub, Nairobi-2017/2018
  8. PhD Student exchange Programme, Durban University of Technology, Durban South Africa, March-July 2017

So far Undergraduate courses:

  • Food Safety and Quality Assurance
  • Introduction to Food Science and the Food Science Industry.
  • Food Biotechnology and Food Toxicology.
  • Commodity of Specific products (Dairy, Meat and Poultry, and Cereals and Root Crops).
  • Research Project development and seminars.

Thuranira Evans Muriuki (on going) Title of thesis Adoption of circulareconomy innovations in the coconut Value chain in Kilifi & Kwale county, Kenya. (MSc).
Martha Omboga (on going), Title of thesis: Quality Improvement of LowFat Pork Sausages Using Quinoa Flour and Gum Arabic (Senegal Var Kerensis)…(MSc).


Samuel Elolu (on going). Title of Thesis: Microbial Safety along the supply chain of African Indigenous Vegetables (AIVS)..PhD



Member of Kenya Institute of Food Science and Technology (Vice Chair-2016-2022)

Member of Food Science Technology Platform of Kenya,  (FoSTEP-K) since 2016.

Member of Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics, USA since 2020

Member of Emerging Leaders Network Alumni, IFT, USA, since 2018

Member of Global Harmonization Initiative, Vienna Austria, since 2016.

Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI) Ambassador for Kenya and Editor GHI Matters, since 2017.


Dr. Mary OMwamba Nyambeki,

Chairperson of Department,

Department of Dairy and Food Science and Technology, Egerton University

P.O. Box 536-20115, Egerton


Hon. Prof. Ruth K. Oniang'o, PhD

Editor-in-Chief, African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND)

Founder, Rural Outreach Program (ROP) Africa.

9 Planets Apartments, Block V2

Kabarnet Gardens, Off Kabarnet Road [Off Ngong Road]

P.O. Box 29086-00625 Nairobi, KENYA 


Prof. Alexander K. Kahi (Dr. sc. agr.)

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs).

Egerton University, P. O. Box 536, 20115 Egerton, Kenya & International Programmes Director

Department of Animal Sciences

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