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Prof. Joshua Ondura Ogendo is an Associate Professor of Crop Protection (Stored Products Entomology) in the Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils; Currently the Principal, Nakuru City Campus College (August 16, 2021-Present) and the immediate former Director, CMRT (May 6, 2019-August 15, 2021). Prof. Ogendo holds PhD degree in Agronomy (Crop Protection) from Egerton University (2008), MSc degrees in Agronomy and Grain Storage Management from University of Nairobi (Kenya; 1992) and University of Greenwich (UK; 2001), respectively and a BSc degree in Agriculture from University of Nairobi, Kenya (1988). Prof Ogendo joined the Department of Agronomy, Egerton University, as an Assistant Lecturer in July 1997. Since joining Egerton University, Prof Ogendo has scaled academic and professional heights by successfully completing a second Master’s degree and a PhD degree and has defied the odds to rise to the current position of Associate Professor and Principal, Nakuru City Campus College.

Prior to being appointed Principal, Nakuru City Campus College, Prof. Ogendo was the Director, Crop Management Research Training Project, Egerton University (May 6, 2019-Aug. 15, 2021). Prior to being appointed Director, CMRT, Prof. Ogendo was competitively elected the Dean, Faculty of Agriculture in October 2014 and served for two terms (Oct. 2014-Oct. 2018). Before becoming the Dean, Prof. Ogendo had dedicatedly served as Chairman, the Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils (CHS), the largest in terms of human capital (over 40 PhD holding staff) in the university, from Jan. 2009 to Oct. 2014 (5⅞ years). During his tenure as Chair, Prof Ogendo presided over the transformation of CHS Department into one of the most vibrant and best performing departments in the University with the highest number of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, books and book chapters; research and community outreach grants and increased number of academic programmes. Prof Ogendo is also currently coordinating (2012-Present) the activities in the University farm in Mpeketoni Sub-County, Lamu County.

Prof Ogendo has wealth of experience in participatory adaptive research, community outreach and consultancy services focusing on bio-intensive pest management, enhanced food and nutrition security and livelihoods in smallholder agriculture. Over the past 3 decades, Prof Ogendo has found niche in bio-prospecting for botanical pesticides for bio-control of pre- and post-harvest insect pests of staple food crops. In the recent years (2010-2021), he has widened his research, outreach and consultancy domain to span underutilized crops (cassava, sweet potatoes, sorghum, indigenous vegetables and orphan crop legumes), climate change and agro-biodiversity. He has been /is Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-PI of eighteen (18) (Value: USD 1,400,834.93) and a Collaborating Scientist in twenty-five (25) (Value: USD 19,530,280.00) research / community grants and consultancies with a total value of USD USD 21,946,466.93 (KES 2.19 Billion). The above stated grants and consultancies were/are funded by SGCI, NIFA-USDA, NSF, BBSRC-GCRF, EASTECO, The MasterCard Foundation, The African Union, European Commission, Rockefeller Foundation, CIAT/ECABREN, AICAD, USAID, VicRes, African Union, EAAPP/World Bank, KAPAP/World Bank, RUFORUM, Global Center for Food Systems Innovation (GCFSI), Michigan State University, Austrian Development Cooperation and Government of Kenya among others; As the Dean, Faculty of Agriculture (Oct. 2014-Oct. 2018), Prof Ogendo provided the requisite leadership that saw Egerton University win three grand grants totalling USD 12.686 Million. The grants include the World Bank supported African Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM) in Eastern and Southern Africa (Funding to EgU: USD 6 million over 5 years; 2017-2023);  The MasterCard Foundation funded project titled “Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s growth and development (TAGDev)” (Total funding: USD 27.4 Million; EgU direct funding: USD 6.64 million; over 8 years: 2016-2024) and The African Development Bank supported program titled “Training of teaching staff at Masters (15) and Doctorate (10) level in Agricultural and Livestock Biosciences” (Funding: KES 45.5 Million; over 3 years: 2018-2021) . The three projects (2016-2024) have so far offered 55, 230 and 75 BSc, MSc and PhD full / partial scholarships, respectively tenable at Egerton University; internships, regional staff and student exchanges, research funding for EgU and partner university staff and institutional capacity building (2 vehicles- 4WD Fortuner Land Cruiser and executive Omni-bus; lab equipment; CESAAM office complex). In addition to the aforementioned, Prof Ogendo led a 19-member EgU team and partners to submit a competitive Egerton University’s bid [USD 30 M (KES 3.0 Billion)] to become a Regional Anchor University (RAU) in Rural Innovations and Agricultural Extension in eastern Africa under the World Bank Group supported program “Strengthening Higher Agricultural Education in Africa (SHAEA)”. He also oversaw the signing of MoUs with international (Virginia Tech, USA; Zhejiang University, China; Natural Resources Institute, UK; FAMU, USA; Bowie State University, USA), regional (BecA Hub at ILRI; University of Rwanda, University of Juba, etc) and national (Pwani University; KCB Foundation, Agtech Consulting Ltd, Media Council of Kenya and Counties of Nakuru, Vihiga and Homa Bay for capacity building of youth and women on agribusiness and value addition) partners.

            Prof Ogendo is a prolific scholar with 54 scientific publications in refereed scientific journals, four (4) book chapters’/ book editorials, one (1) patent application, eight (8) M & E/ consultancies; fourteen (14) outreach / extension publications / project reports, over one hundred (100) conference/workshop/symposium papers/attendance and member of fourteen (14) professional bodies and working groups. He is currently the President, International Society of Pesticidal Plants (ISPP) (July 2022-Present), Chair, Pesticidal Plant Technologies Network (PEPTEN), Kenya and Member, Project Advisory Board of “Enhancing Trade Through Regulatory Harmonisation and Biopesticide Based Residue Mitigation in the SADC Region” USDA/Standards and Trade Development Facility. He has successfully supervised eight (8) MSc and Three (3) PhD students and currently supervising 2 MSc and 5 PhD student thesis researches in agronomy (crop production, crop protection, plant breeding and weed science), horticulture and agriculture and rural innovation studies. As spin off from his research grants (2004-2023), Prof. Ogendo has personally contributed to human capital development in Kenya at masters (9) and doctorate (5) levels in agriculture. In addition to his professional call, Prof Ogendo is the Coordinator, Chuth Ber Health Centre (upgraded from Dispensary in March 2021); Chairman, BOM, Akwakra Mixed Secondary School (Member since 2004); Member, BOM, Mawego Girls Secondary School (Feb. 2016-June 2022), Patron, Akwakra Primary School and Patron, St. Francis Akwakra Catholic Church (mobilizing resources for construction of new church building) all in Rachuonyo North Sub-County, Homa Bay County.

Google Scholar

2008: Doctor of Philosophy in Agronomy - Egerton University, Kenya

2001: Master of Science in Grain Storage Management - University of Greenwich, UK

1992: Master of Science in Agronomy - University of Nairobi, Kenya

1988: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture - University of Nairobi, Kenya

1983: Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (A Level) - Kakamega High School

1981: Kenya Certificate of Education (O Level) - Ringa Boys Secondary School

1977: Certificate of Primary Education - Akwakra Primary School

  • Agronomy
  • Weed Science
  • Crop Protection (Stored Products Entomology)
  • Bioassay guided prospecting for botanical pesticides
  • June 2023: Training of Egerton Researchers on Translation of Research into Policy Briefs- Tegemeo Institute
  • June 2022: TAGDev Program supported Training on “Finance for Non-Finance Managers"- The National Treasury
  • March-June 2021: CESAAM-Virginia Tech Global Opportunity Initiative (GOI) 2021 - Egerton University (Kenya) and Virginia Tech (USA)
  • June 2018: ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System Transition Course - Kenya Bureau of Standards
  • Dec 2017: CESAAM-VT(USA)Retooling w/shop on Res.Analytics & Dev'pt Fundable proposals - Egerton University
  • Sept 2012: CTA Exec.Training on M & E of Info.Projects, Products and Services: Using the SMART Toolkit - CTA
  • June 2012: ISO 9001: 2008 QMS Lead Auditors Course - Kenya Bureau of Standards
  • March 2012: Transformative Leadership - Kenya Institute of Administration
  • June 2011: E-Learning Capacity Building Course on Developing and Publishing of Digital Teaching & Learning Materials - RUFORUM/Futuristic Ltd
  • June 2010: Training on writing policy briefs for agricultural researchers - Egerton University
  • Nov 2009: Internal Quality Auditors Course - Kenya Bureau of Standards
  • 2009/2001: Student Academic Advising - Egerton University
  • 2001: University Teaching Methods Course - Egerton University
  • Oct 30-Dec 4, 2001: International Course on Research and Development of Protected Crop Technologies - MASHAV/ The Volcani Center, Israel
  • July 2001: Student Academic Advising - Egerton University

Academic and Professional Experience:

  • April 4, 2013-Present: Associate Professor of Agronomy (Crop Protection), CHS Department, Egerton University
  • April 9, 2009- April 3 2013: Senior Lecturer of Agronomy, CHS Department, Egerton University
  • Nov.2002-April 8 2009:  Lecturer of Agronomy, CHS Department, Egerton University
  • July 1997-Nov. 2002: Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Agronomy, Egerton University
  • Sept 1991-June 1997: Assistant Trainer of Field Plot Techniques and Data Management, CMRT Project, Egerton Univ.
  • Aug 1990-Aug. 1991: Graduate Teacher, Dr Aloo Gumbi Sec School, Kisumu, Teachers Service Commission

Administrative and Research Leadership:

  • Aug 2021-Present: Principal, Nakuru City Campus College, Egerton University
  • May 2019-Aug 2021: Director, Crop Management Research Training, Egerton University
  • Oct 2014-Nov. 2018: Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University
  • July 2012-Present: Coordinator, Egerton University Mpeketoni Campus
  • Jan’09 – Oct..2014: Chairman, Dept. of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University
  • 2016-Present: Coordinator, Egerton University- ILRI. Successfully lobbied and secured six (6) MSc Fellowships under the EU-ILRI PRDIGL BURUNDI Project. The program will support six (6) MSc students [Animal Science (3), AGEC (1) and Medical Parasitology (2)] for 2 years (2021-2023). Total fees for 2 years: KES 2.25 Million.

  • 2004-2023: Has personally and with collaborators contributed to human capital development at Masters (9) and Doctorate (5) levels in Kenya thro’ Studentships/Fellowships nested within own Research Grants.

  • 2019: Successfully led Departmental team to internationally benchmark the MSc Crop Protection curriculum with Virginia Tech, USA. The international benchmarking of PhD Crop Protection curriculum was pended due to change in structure and content courtesy of CUE policy.




Key Research, Community Outreach and Consultancy Projects (2002-2024):

  1. National Museums of Kenya (NMK)-National Product Initiative (NPI) Consultancy “Feasibility Studies on the Commercial Viability of Indigenous Wild Fruits in Kenya”. Lead Consultant: Dr Oscar Ingasia, Consultants: Prof. J O Ogweno, Prof J O Ogendo, Prof R M S Mulwa, Mr. Peter Amuoga and Ms. Rose Chiteva [KEFRI]. KES 6.64 Million. April 2023-August 2023.
  2. BioInnovate Africa supported project “Plant based insecticdes for controlling maize storage pests and other insect pests of economic relevance to smallholder farmers (Bioinsecticides4Food Security)”, a collaborative R4D between Egerton University (Lead; PI: Prof. J O Omolo; CRs: J O Ogendo, Dr. J Nduko, Dr. B Kirui), ICIPE, Farm Track Ltd, Open Univ of Tanzania and Univ of Rwanda. Total Budget: USD 1 Million; EgU Budget: USD 200,000.00; February 2023-January 2026.
  3. GCRF AgriFood Africa Innovation Awards Round 3 to support our project 'Exploration of Antimicrobial Compounds from Edible Insects and Indigenous Chickens’ Skin and Feathers for Applications in Food and Industry', collaboration between the University of Hertfordshire, UK and Egerton University, Kenya. EGU Funding: UK£13,500.00; Oct.2022-March 2023.
  4. SGCI Phase II Project "Development of safe mass rearing tools and value addition for the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria Forskal) value chain in East Africa". Partners: Egerton University (PI: Prof J.O. Ogendo), ICIPE (Dr. C.M.Tanga), Sagla Park (Dr. E.O.Obura), Makerere University (Prof. D. Nakimbugwe) and University of Rwanda (Dr. D. Ndahimana). Funding: USD 90,000.00 (March 1, 2022-February 28, 2025).
  5. Program Coordinator of Egerton University (Kenya)-Bowie State University (USA): NSF-REU and NIFA USDA-REEU Project “Bowie State University Agricultural Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates in Collaboration with Egerton University, Kenya”. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), NIFA-USDA Award Number: 2020-67038-30659. Funding: USD 500,000.00 for 5 years (2020-2025); Seventeen (17) BSc students from across US and one Professor hosted by 8 Egerton Univ Professor Mentors. Egerton Univ.Program Director: J.Ogendo; Summer Exchange 2023: 6th Jun2023 to 31st Jul2023. EU Budget for 2023: USD 72,600.00 [KES 9.873,600.00];
  6. CESAAM supported Project “Striga Management in Maize-Legume Based Cropping System in Four Counties of Western Kenya”. PI-Prof Richard Mulwa; Collaborating Scientists: Prof. J.O. Ogendo, Prof. S.M.Mwonga and Prof. G. Owuor. Funding: KES 1.8 M. March 2021-Feb. 2022.
  7. J.O.Ogendo is the link person at Egerton University for the EU-ILRI PRDIGL BURUNDI Project supporting four (4) MSc students [Animal Science (3) and AGEC (1)] for 2 years (2021-2023). Total fees for 2 years: KES 1.5 Million. Egerton University Coordinator: Prof. Joshua Ogendo.
  8. NIFA-USDA Project “Bowie State University Agricultural Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (BSU-REEU) in Collaboration with Egerton University, Kenya”. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), NIFA-USDA Award Number: 2020-67038-30659. Funding: USD 500,000.00 for 5 years (2020-2025); EgU Budget: USD 250,000.00. PI-Dr. Anne Osano; Co-PI / International Program Director (Egerton University): Joshua O. Ogendo.
    For more information click here and others
  9. KCSAP/World Bank (2019-2021; USD 220,000.00) Validation and promotion of sorghum for industrial and domestic uses for economic empowerment of smallholder farmers. PI-Prof. Mwonga (EgU); CRs: Prof Ogendo and others.
  10. KCSAP/World Bank (2019-2021;USD 220,000.00) Improving smallholder livelihoods through validation and promotion of cassava TIMPs for domestic and industrial applications. PI-Prof Mulwa; CRs: Ogendo and others.
  11. Bowie State University, USA (June-July 2019; US$ 29,000.00; June-July 2021; US$ 50,000.00) Egerton University-Bowie State University (USA) undergraduate students’ exchange Program. Program Coordinator at Egerton University: J O Ogendo. For more details on exchange experience click here
  12. National Museums of Kenya (Natural Products Industry Secretariat) March 2019-March 2020; KES 8,000,001.40. Feasibility Study on Commercialization of Aloe in North Rift Counties, Kenya”. Team Leader- Prof. J Ogendo; Members: Prof. M. Ngigi, Prof. S.T. Kariuki, Dr. J Mafurah and Mr. Dickson Okello.
  13. EASTECO (Oct. 2018-Dec. 2019;US$ 80,514.00; EgU: $30,085.00) A New Technique for Locust Mass Culture for Food and Feeds Industry in East Africa. Team Leader: J Ogendo; Collaborators: Sagla Park- Dr Obura, ICIPE-Dr. Tanga, Uganda (MAK)-Dr Dorothy Nakimbugwe, TZ (SUA)-Prof. G Misinzo and UnivRwanda-Dr D Ndahimana
  14. BBSRC-SASSA-GCRF (2018-2021; UK£ 1 Million); EgU Budget Allocation: UK£125,040.00) Natural Pest Regulation on Orphan Crop Legumes in Africa (NaPROCLA). Team Leader: Prof. P Stevenon (NRI, UK); PI-Kenya: Prof. J. Ogendo, Collaborators: Tanzania and Malawi. For more information click here
  15. BBSRC-SASSA GCRF-STARS (2018-2021; EgU to receive UK£195,000.00) GCRF-STARS Project “Increasing research capacity in LMICs focusing on Ethiopia (EIAR), Kenya (Egerton University), Tanzania (TALIRI) and Malawi (LUANAR)”. Team Leader: Prof. Appolinaire Djikeng (University of Edinburgh, UK); PI-Kenya: Prof. G Owuor.
  16. The MasterCard Foundation / RUFORUM (2017-2020; USD 200,000.00) Cassava value chain upgrading for secure food, nutrition, income and resilience of smallholder farmers in the ASALs of Nakuru County. PI: Prof. R M S Mulwa; Team: J O Ogendo, Prof. B O Bebe, Prof. J W Matofari, Dr. E W Gathungu, Prof. P F Arama (Rongo), Mr. G O Nyangori (Mtakatifu Clara), Charity Ngari (KALRO), Virginia Nyamu (Baraka) and Mr. Lawrence Maina (EABL).
  17. Egerton University (2017-2018;KES 1 Million) Plant essential oils-based tablet formulation for the management of stored product insect pests. PI: Dr. P K Bett; Collaborators: J O Ogendo, Prof. J C Matasyoh. Egerton Univ. Innovation Project.
  18. African Development Bank/ MohEST (2017-2020; KES 45.5 Million) Training of teaching staff at Masters and Doctorate level in Agricultural and Livestock Biosciences (15 MSc and 10 PhD scholars).Team: Dr. I.M. Kariuki, Dr.J Nduko, Dr. Mary Ambula, Prof. J O Ogweno, Dr. J Ndemo and Prof. J O Ogendo.
  19. NACOSTI/NRF/Dept. Science & Tech-RSA (2017-2019; KES 3 Million) Genomic-metabolomic analysis of medicinal Dodonaea A joint research grant under the South African/Kenya –research partnership programme bilateral agreement 2016/2017. PI: Dr C W Lukhoba (UoN), Prof. Nakwanda O. Makunga (Stellenbosch University, RSA), KE Collaborators: Prof. Abiy Yenesew (UoN), Dr. Esther Matu (KEMRI), Ms. Catherine Kitonde (UoN), Ms. Brenda Nyaboke (NMK), Dr. S. Kariuki (ILRI) and Prof. J. Ogendo (EgU).
  20. World Bank (2016-2021; USD 6 Million) Establish African Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM). Center Leader: Prof G Owuor; Core Team Members: Dr. Omwamba, Prof Ouma, Prof Mwonga and Prof Ogendo.
  21. The MasterCard Foundation (2016-2024; USD 6.2 Million) Project “Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s growth and development (TAGDev)” Team: Prof Mungai, Prof Mshenga and Prof Ogendo.
  22. CIMMYT SIMLESA (Oct 2016-Aug 2018; AU$78,460.00) Scaling up “Impacting on productivity and livelihoods of smallholder households through sustainable intensification of conservation agriculture based maize-legume systems in western Kenya” Team: Prof Tabu, Prof Ogendo, Prof Mulwa and Prof Owuor.
  23. Bayer East Africa Ltd (Feb-April 2016; KES 1,807,520.00) Consultancy to undertake Bayer Corporate Social Responsibility Survey in West Pokot County, Kenya. Team: Prof Ogendo (Lead Consultant), Prof Bebe and Prof Owuor.
  24. SNV Netherlands (2015-2018; USD 1,550,000.00) Capacity building -Dutch Programme for Horticultural Development, smallholder horticulture development component. Team: Prof Ogendo, Prof Mulwa, Dr Opiyo & Dr Nyalala.
  25. TEA BOARD OF KENYA (2011-2012; KES 1,443,200.00) Consultancy to developCurriculum for Tea Industry in Kenya. Team: Prof Chengeiywo, Ngigi, Prof. Tabu, Prof. Cheruiyot, Prof Ogendo, Prof Faraj, Dr. Karori and Dr Ngeno.
  26. Michigan State Univ.-Food Systems Innovations Grant (2016-2019; $120,000.00) Grasshopper/Locust Farming as a sustainable feed/ food ingredient source for non-ruminant livestock and humans for enhanced food security, poverty alleviation and resilience to climate change in Kenya. Team: Dr Nduko (PI); Dr Ondiek, Dr Toroitich, Prof Ogendo, Dr Ingasia, Dr King’ori and Dr Mbuthia.
  27. RUFORUM (2014-2016; USD 65,000.00) Blackberry germplasm collection, characterisation and breeding for commercial production in Kenya. (Call ID:RU/CGS/CRG/30/03/14; RU/GRG/03/14-017). PI-Dr Gesimba, CRS-Dr Korir & Prof Ogendo.
  28. African Union (2012-2015; Euro 620,893.10) Limiting impact of CBSD on smallholders, women and cassava value chain (LimitCBSD) Grant No. AURG/2/141). Donor: African Union. Total Budget: €620,893.10 Partners: NRI-UK, TZ, Kenya and Malawi; Team: Prof Ogendo-PI-Kenya; Prof Arama, Prof Mulwa. Other partners: NRI-UK; Tanzania and Malawi..
  29. EAAPP/World Bank (2012-2015; KES 16M) Quality postharvest handling, value addition and marketing of cassava products for food security and wealth creation. Team: Prof Ogendo (Co-PI), Prof Mulwa, Prof Bebe, Prof Arama, Prof Matofari, Mr Wambua, Mrs Abonyo, Mrs Cheboswony; partners: UoN and KALRO-Kitale.
  30. RUFORUM (2012-14; USD 59,882.00) Botanical pesticides for bio-control of spider mites in French beans. Team: Prof Ogendo (PI), Dr Nyaanga and Prof Ogweno.
  31. KAPAP/ World Bank (2011-2014; KES 15 M) Enhancing productivity & economic value of indigenous vegetables. Team: Prof Mulwa (PI), Prof Matofari, Prof Bebe, Mr Wambua and Prof Ogendo.
  32. KAPAP/ World Bank (2011-2014; KES 25.7M) Enhancing sorghum production, processing and marketing for improved smallholder incomes and livelihoods in Kenya. Team: Prof Cheruiyot, Dr Owuoche, Prof Ogendo, Prof Faraj, Prof Kimurto, Prof Ngetich and Dr Njue.
  33. Austrian Devpt Cooperation (2011-14; €386,000.00; EgU: 86,000.00) Strengthening Universities Capacities for mitigating climate change induced water vulnerabilities in East Africa (WATERCAP). Team: Prof Birech, Prof Ogendo, Prof Bebe and Mr Muchiri.
  34. European Commission (2009-2013; € 989,204.00) African Dryland Alliance for Pesticidal Plant Technologies (ADAPPT) Network. Eight African countries. J. Ogendo (EU-Kenya), Prof. Mvumi (Zimbabwe), Dr. Nyirenda (Malawi), Dr. Sola (Zambia), Prof. Kamanula (Malawi), Dr. Sileshi (ICRAF), Dr. Mponda (Tanzania), Prof. M. Simmonds (RBG-Kew, UK), Dr. Carr (NBRI, Namibia), Dr. Sandmann (RSA), Mr. Andan (Ghana).
  35. Strengthening Universities Capacities for Mitigating Climate Change Induced Water Vulnerabilities in East Africa (WATERCAP) (RUFORUM, Boku, Egerton and Makerere Universities; 2011-2014; Donor: Austrian Dev’pt Cooperation/APPEAR. Budget: €86,000.00.
  36. Bioefficacy of essential oils of two indigenous plants against major coleopteran and lepidopteran pests of stored food grains (NCST/5/003/3RD CALL PhD/138). PhD Student: Mr. P.K. Bett; Supervisors: Prof Deng, Ogendo. 2011-2013. Donor: NCST. Funding: KES 600,000.00
  37. Bioactivity of aqueous crude extracts of vogelii Hook against H. armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in chickpea. MSc Student: Ms. L.M. Wambua; Supervisors: Prof Deng, Prof. Ogendo. 2010-2011. Donor: NCST. Funding: KES 200,000.00
  38. Embassy of Japan, Nairobi (2009-2010; USD 79,468.00) Construction of maternity and VCT wings and 50 M3 underground water tank at Chuth Ber Dispensary, Rachuonyo North District. Coordinator: Prof Ogendo.
  39. Victoria Res.Initiative (VicRes) (2006-012; USD 158,000.00) Ethnobotanical products for insect pest management in subsistence agriculture in the LVB region. Team: Prof. Deng (PI), Prof. Ogendo, Prof. Kamatenesi-Mugisha (UG) and Dr. Mihale (TZ).
  40. USAID-CDR (2004-2008; USD 122,572.00) Kenyan plant constituents for biological insect control. Team: Ogendo (PI-Kenya); Prof..Deng, Prof. Omolo, Prof. Matasyoh, Prof. Kariuki; partners: 7 Israeli Scientists. Team: Prof. Ogendo; Prof. Deng, Prof. Omolo, Prof. Matasyoh, Dr. Khan and Dr, R.K Tuey.
  41. AICAD (2002-2005; USD 21,000.00) Management of grain pests through manipulation of scientifically rationalized indigenous non-chemical options. Team: Ogendo; Prof. Deng, Prof. Omolo, Prof. Matasyoh, Dr. Khan and Dr. Tuey.
  42. AICAD (2006-2008; US$15000) Performance of high yielding non-hybrid maize and bean cultivars suitable for subsistence agriculture grown under organic farming systems in low and medium potential agro-ecological zones (PI: Dr. E.O. Omolo (deceased), CRs: Mungai, N.W., Nganga, C.N., Ngugi, A.N., Ogendo, J.O., Deng, A.L., Matasyoh, J.C.
  43. Investigation of the anti-microbial and pesticidal active compounds from Gomphocarpus for economic, crop and livestock disease control purposes. Donor: EgU. Funding: KES 400,000.
  44. Collaborated in a Fertilizer Use Project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and implemented in western Kenya. Contributed in the design /implementation of fertility and Rhizobia inoculation on crop (maize-bean systems) response under Striga hermonthica PI: Prof. A.O. Musandu; CR- J.O. Ogendo. 1997-1999.

Publications in Peer Refereed Scientific Journals:

  1. Obanyi J.N., Ogendo J.O., Mulwa R.M.S., Nyaanga J.G., Cheruiyot E., Bett P., Belmain S.R., Nash-Wooley V.C., Arnold S. and Stevenson P.C. (2023) Flowering margins support natural enemies between cropping seasons. Submitted to Frontiers in Agronomy, section Pest Management Volume 6: 1277062. | doi: 10.3389/fagro.2024.1277062 [Accpted 02.01.2024; Published 22.01.2024]. For more details click here
  2. Ouma L., Cheruiyot E. and Ogendo J. (2023) Hydrocyanic acid potential in sorghums reduce with maturity and increase with temperature. Agronomy Journal, 116(1): 180-188. January/February 2024. Accepted 4.10.2023. Published 09.10.2023. For more details
  3. Alworah O., Ogendo J.O., Mafurah J.M., Gichuru E.K.,  Miano D.W. and Okumu O.O. (2023) A Method for Selection of Coffee Varieties Resistant to Fusarium stilboides. Agronomy 2023, 13: 2321; Published 5.9.2023
  4. Ouma L.A., Cheruiyot E.K. and Ogendo J.O. (2023) Biosynthesis and Role of Dhurrin in Forage Sorghum: A Review. Reviews in Agricultural Science, 11: 259-270. Accepted 19.8.2023; Published 15.10.2023. For more details click here
  5. Ouma, L.A., Cheruiyot, E.K. and Ogendo, J.O. (2023) Growing Temperature Influence Lignocellulose in Sorghum and Could Lead to a Significant Variation in Feed Value of Fodder Sorghum Genotypes. Journal of Agricultural Science, 15(8); 2023. June 2023. For more details click here
  6. Obanyi, J., Ogendo, J., Mulwa, R., Nyaanga, J., Cheruiyot, E., Bett, P., Belmain, S., Arnold, S., Nash-Woolley, V. and Stevenson, P. (2023) Field margins and cropping system influence diversity and abundance of aphid natural enemies in Lablab purpureus. Applied Entomology, 147: 439-451. Published April 2023. For more details click here
  7. Ochieng L.O., Ogendo J.O., Bett P.K., Nyaanga J.G., Cheruiyot E.K., Mulwa R.M.S., Arnold S.E.J., Belmain S.R. and Stevenson P.C. (2022) Field margins and botanical insecticides enhance Lablab purpureus yield by reducing aphid pests and supporting natural enemies. J. Applied Entomology (Accepted 28.04.2022; Status: In Production). DOI: 10.1111/jen.13023.  For modetails click here
  8. Bett P.K.,   Ogendo J.O., Matasyoh J.C. and Kiplagat A.J. (2022) Chemical composition and insecticidal potential of essential oils of Kenyan Cupressus lusitanica Mill. Ocimum americanum L. and Lippia Javanica(Burm.f.) Spreng. African Journal of Environmental Science & Technology 16(2): 79-90. 16(2): 79-90. For more details click here
  9. Woolley V.C., Tembo Y.L.B., Ndakidemi B., Obanyi J.N., Arnold S.E. J., Belmain S.R., Ndakidemi P.A., Ogendo J.O. and Stevenson P.C. (2021) Regional diversity and population structure of aphid parasitoids. Pest Management Science ( DOI: 10.1002/ps.6723.  (Published Nov. 18, 2021). For more details click here
  10. Wamalwa et al. (2021) Distribution of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici races and virulence in wheat growing regions of Kenya from 1970 to 2014. Plant Disease .
  11. Mwani et al. (2021) Intercropping and diverse field margin vegetation suppress bean aphid, (Homoptera: Aphididae) infestation in dolichos (Lablab purpureus L.) (JPPR-01140-2021-02). Journal of Plant Protection Research 61(3): 290–301.DOI:
  12. Chepkoech et al. (2021) Metribuzin and 2,4-D as potential herbicides for weed management in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench]. African J.Agric.Research 17(3): 442-447, March 2021.
  13. Mayowa O. Osunsanya, Joshua Ogendo, Janet Obanyi and Anne Osano (2021) Field efficacy of different pheromone lures against the Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda. Bowie State University - Mayowa Osunsanya
  14. Sibuti et al. (2020). Effectiveness of Imazapyr Resistant IR) Coated Hybrids and Selected Striga-tolerant Varieties on hermonthica Control and Maize Yield Performance in Western Kenya. Advances in Applied Physiology 6(1): 1-8.; doi: 10.11648/j.aap.20210601.11.
  15. Masinde et al. (2020) Dual resistance cassava to the two major viral diseases. Crop Science 61:1567–1581.  For more details click here
  16. Wambua et al. (2020) Evaluation of popular cassava varieties for yield and cyanide content under asal conditions in Kenya. African Crop Science Journal 28(Issue Supplement, s1): 71 – 82. DOI: October 2020. For more details click here
  17. Muller et al. (2020) Evaluation of Potential Fodder Sorghum Genotypes for Prussic Acid, Lignin and Cellulose Content. Agric. Sci. & Technology A 10: 39-43. doi: 10.17265/2161-6256/2020.01.006. For more details click here
  18. Font, B., Osano, A., Manyasi, J.T., Syeunda, C., Kimurto, P. and Ogendo J. (2020). Analysis of Nutrient Profile of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.Gaertn) for Baby Food Formulation Using Pigeon Pea as Protein Source. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B 10 (5): 308-316. doi: 10.17265/2161-6264/2020.05.005. For more details click here
  19. Deng L., Ogendo J.O., Owuor G., Bett P.K.,  Omolo E.O., Mugisha-Kamatenesi M. and Mihale5 J.M. (2020) Factors determining the use of botanical insect pest control methods by small-holder farmers in the Lake Victoria basin, Kenya. Advanced J.Environmental Sci. & Techn.11(3): 001-009.
  20. Wamalwa et al. (2019) Multi-Pathotype testing of selected kenyan wheat germplasm and Watkin landraces for resistance to wheat yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis) races from Kenya, Eritrea, Denmark, Sweden and United Kingdom. Agronomy MDPI 9, 770; doi:10.3390/agronomy9110770. For more details click here
  21. Ogayo et al. (2019) The Effect of Lion’s Ear (Leonotis nepetifolia) and African Basil (Ocimum gratissimum) Plant Extracts on Two-Spotted Spider Mites (Tetranychus urticae) for Improved Yield and Quality of French Beans. Advances in Entomology, 7: 21-31. For more details click here
  22. Ogendo et al. (2018) Efficacy of faecal fertilizers on growth, nutrient uptake and yield of maize. African J. Food. Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND), 18(3): 13743-13760. DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.83.18015. For more details click here
  23. Juma et al. (2018) Response of potato (Solanum tuberosum) to different soils and fecal matter fertilizers. African J. Agric. Res., 13(36): 1880-1887. For more details click here
  24. Juma et al. (2018). Availability of nitrogen, microbial respiration and bulk density as influenced by faecal matter fertiliser in acrisol, andosol and planosol soils. Soil Science and Plant Health, 2:1. (Published: February 09, 2018). For more details click here
  25. Masinde et al. (2017). Genotype by environment interactions in identifying cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) resistant to cassava brown streak disease. Field Crops Research, 215: 39-48. For more details click here
  26. Bett et al. (2017). Residual contact toxicity and repellence of Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus saligna essential oils against major stored product insect pests. Industrial Crops and Products, 110:65-74. For more details click here
  27. Abong et al. (2016) Post-harvest practices, constraints and opportunities along the cassava value chain in Kenya. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 4(2): 114-126. For more details click here
  28. Masinde et al. (2016). Occurrence and estimated losses caused by cassava viruses in Migori County, Kenya. African J. Agric. Research, 11(24): 2064-2074. For more details click here
  29. Bett et al. (2016) Chemical composition of Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus saligna leaf essential oils and bioactivity against major insect pests of stored food grains. Industrial Crops & Products 82: 51-62. For more details click here
  30. Kange et al. (2015) Occurrence of spoilage fungi associated with sorghum grains (Sorghum bicolor Moench) under pre- and post-harvest conditions. Agriculture and Food Security 4:15. DOI 10.1186/s40066-015-0034-4. For more details click here
  31. Ogayo et al. (2015). Bioactivity of Leonotis nepetifolia and Ocimum gratissimum extracts in management of Tetranychus urticae Koch on French beans. Global J. Bio-science & Biotechnology (GJBB), Vol. 4[3]: 282-286. ISSN 2278 – 9103 (Published July, 2015).For more details click here
  32. Hillocks et al. (2015). Disparity between leaf symptoms and root symptoms, associated with and the significant economic losses caused by cassava brown streak disease in eastern Africa. Phytopathology, 164(2): 86-93. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12430. For more details click here
  33. Ochola et al. (2015). Antifungal activity of methanol extracts of Leonotis nepetifolia and Ocimum gratissimum L. against Ascochyta blight (Phoma exigua) on French bean. Asian J.Plant Pathol., 9(1): 27-32. For more details click here
  34. Kange et al. (2014). Pre- and post-harvest factors affecting sorghum production (Sorghum bicolor Moench) among smallholder farming communities. Intern. J. Agronomy & Agric.Research 5(4): 40-47. For more details click here
  35. Sola et al. (2014) Botanical pesticide production, trade and regulatory mechanisms in sub-Saharan Africa: making a case for plant-based pesticidal products. Food Security, 6(3): 369-384. ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online). For more details click here
  36. Ogendo et al. (2013) Management of stem borers using selected botanical pesticides in a maize-bean intercropping. Egerton J. Science & Techn. 13: 21–38. For more details click here
  37. Kamatenesi-Mugisha et al. (2013) Oral acute toxicity study of selected botanical pesticide plants used by subsistence farmers around the LVB. African J. of Environ. Scio. & Tech., 7(3):93-101. For more details click here
  38. Chebet et al. (2013) Bioactivity of selected plant powders against Prostephanus truncatus HORN (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in stored maize grains. Plant Protection Sci., 49(1): 34-43. For more details click here
  39. Igogo et al. (2011) Insecticidal, antifeedant and repellent effects of Tephrosia vogelii and Lantana camara L. aqueous crude extracts against Golden Flea Beetle (Aphthona whitfieldi Bryant) in Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.). Biopesticide Intern.7(2): 93-103. For more details click here
  40. Ogendo et al. (2011) Biocontrol potential of selected plant essential oil constituents as fumigants of insect pests attacking stored food commodities. Baraton Interdisciplinary Research J.1(1): 13-19. For more details click here
  41. Wambua et al. (2011) Toxic, antifeedant and repellent activity of aqueous crude extracts of Tephrosia vogelii Hook on larval stages of armigera Hubner Baraton Interdisciplinary Research J. 1(1): 19-29.
  42. Mihale et al. (2009). Use of indigenous knowledge in the management of field and storage pests around Lake Victoria basin in Tanzania. African J. Environ. Science and Techn., 3(9): 252-259.
  43. Deng et al. (2009). Factors determining the use of botanical insect pest control methods by smallholder farmers in the Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya. African J. of Environ.Sci. & Technology, 3(5): 108-115.
  44. Ogendo et al. (2008). Bioactivity of Ocimum gratissimum oil and two constituents against five insect pests attacking stored food products. J. Stored Products Res., 44: 328-334.
  45. Ogendo et al. (2008) Evaluation of bioactivity of Lantana camara against maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in stored maize grains. Egerton J. Science and Technology, 8: 42-52.
  46. Mugisha-Kamatenesi et al. (2008). Indigenous knowledge of field insect pests and their management around Lake Victoria basin in Uganda. African J. of Environ. Science and Technology, 2(8): 342-348.
  47. Ogendo, et al. (2006) Field grain losses and insect pest management practices in subsistence agriculture: Farmers’ perceptions and practices in Western Kenya. Agric., Sci. & Technology, 8(1): 24-42.
  48. Matasyoh et al. (2006) Volatile leaf oil constituents of Ocimum americanum occurring in western Kenya. Short Communication. Bulletin of Chem. Soc.Ethiopia, 20(1): 1-4.
  49. Ogendo et al. (2005) Efficacy of Lantana camara L. and Tephrosia vogelii hook against Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in stored maize grains. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 679: 137-143. [].
  50. Ogendo et al. (2004) Effect of ground powders of Lantana camara and Tephrosia vogelii Hook on the quality parameters of treated stored maize grains. J. Food Techn. in Africa, 9(1): 29-35.
  51. Ogendo et al. (2004) Pest status of Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), control methods and constraints to safe on-farm maize grain storage. Egerton J. Science and Techn. Series 5(1): 175-193.
  52. Ogendo et al. (2003) Comparison of toxic and repellent effects of Lantana camara with Tephrosia vogelii Hook and a synthetic pesticide against Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. in maize grain storage. Insect Science & Its Application, .23(2): 127-135.
  53. Njoka et al. (2002) Effect of tillage methods on the growth and grain yield of lowland rice in Kenya. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 35: 103-109.
  54. 40. Musandu, and Ogendo (2001) Response of Common bean to Rhizobium innoculation and fertilizers. The Journal of Food Technology in Africa, 6(4): 121-125.

Manuscripts Under Review

  1. Karimi J.M., Nyaanga J.G., Mulwa R.M.S., Ogendo J.O., Bett P.K., Cheruiyot E.K., Sarah Arnold S.E.J., Belmain S.R. and Stevenson P.C. (2022) Effect of dolichos (Lablab purpureus ) genotype and field margin vegetation on bean aphids and their natural enemies. To be submitted to Insect Conservation and Diversity.
  2. Oduor S.O., Mungai N.W. and Ogendo J.O. (2022) Effect of NPK fertilizer on cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) growth, tuber yield and cassava brown streak disease in Solai and Rongo sub-counties, Kenya. Submitted to Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science.
  3. Alwora G., Ogendo J., Mafurah J., Gichuru E. and Otieno O. (2022) Morphological Diversity of potential fungal biocontrol agents isolated from coffee farms in Kenya [submitted to Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (Submission ID: 228519116); 22/09/2022].
  4. Alworah G.O., Gichuru E.K., Ogendo J.O. and Okumu O. (2023) Botanical Biopesticides and Analysis of The Kenyan Legal Frameworks Regulating Biocontrol Agents: A Review. MDPI Agronomy (submitted on 30.07.2023).

Book Chapters and Editorials:

  1. Mulwa R.M.S., Matofari J.W., Ogendo J.O., Arama P.F. and Bebe B.O. (2023). Book Chapter 11- Unlocking opportunities in the cassava CARP value chain project in Nakuru County, Kenya . In: Egeru A., Lindow M. and Leresche K.M. (eds) University Engagement with Farming Communities in Africa: Community Action Research Platforms. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. Pgs 157-170.  DOI: 10.4324/9781003387497-14. For more details
  2. Ogendo et al. (Eds) (2013) Proceedings of the First International Conference on Pesticidal Plants. Vol. 1 (August 2013). ISBN: 978-9966-033-00-0. 260p. For more details
  3. Ogendo et al. (2012) Book Chapter 27: Plant-based products as control agents of stored-product insect pests in the tropics. In: Bhat, R., Alias, A.K., Paliyath, G. (Eds) Progress in Food Preservation Technology. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers. Pp:581-602. ISBN: 978-0-470-65585-6. For more details
  4. Kosgey et al. (2011) Module 10: Climate Change and Agrobiodiversity. In: Mungai, N.W. (ed.) Agrobiodiversity Conservation & Sustainable Use in Enhancing Food Security [A Training Manual] with FAO-Netherlands Partnership Program. Tonaz Ltd, Nbi, Kenya. ISBN: 996605353-0. Pp96-100.

Patents and IP Protection

  1. Otachi E.O., Ogendo J.O. and Osano A. (2023) Tripple-O-KJA-Shrimpbase Biofloc Dispenser for Aquaculture Production. Patent Application - Utility Model number 2309 [Patent application number is KE/UM/2023/2309dated 31/10/2023].

Monitoring & Evaluation and onsultancies:

  1. Ingasia O, Ogendo J. et al. (2023). National Museums of Kenya (National Products Industry Secretariat) Consultancy “Feasibility study on commercialization of Indigenous Wild Fruits in Kenya. Period: April-August 2023. Value: KES 6.64 Million.
  2. Ogendo et al. (2019). National Museums of Kenya (National Products Industry Secretariat) Consultancy “Feasibility study on commercialization of aloe in the North Rift Valley Counties, Kenya”. Period: Sept 2019-March 2020.
  3. Mulwa et al. (2018) CIMMYT SIMLESA Scaling Project “Impacting on productivity and livelihoods of smallholder households thro’ sustainable intensification of conservation agriculture based maize-legume systems in western Kenya” 2016-2018.
  4. Ogendo et al. (2016) Consultancy to undertake Bayer Corporate Social Responsibility Survey in West Pokot County, Kenya. Bayer EA Ltd CSR Project: Agriculture (Crops and Animal Health).
  5. Ogendo et al. (2015-2016) Ethio-Dutch Programme for Horticultural Development, smallholder horticulture development component. SNV Netherlands.
  6. Changeiywo et al. (2012) Curriculum for Tea Industry in Kenya.
  7. Ogendo et al. (2005) Nakuru Zone M and E Report of AICAD Alumni trainee farmers in Kericho, Nakuru, Narok, Nyandarua, Baringo and Koibatek districts. 28th Feb-23rd March 2005.
  8. Ogendo J. and Muchiri, E. (2004) Nakuru Zone Monitoring and Evaluation Report of AICAD Alumni trainee farmers in Nakuru, Narok, Nyandarua, Baringo and Koibatek districts. 7th -22nd July 2004.

Community Outreach/ Extension Publications and Project Reports:

  1. Ogendo et al. (2020) EASTECO) REF:CGI-1-2018-040 Project “A New Technique for Locust Mass Culture for Food and Feeds Industry in East Africa”. Final Project Report. Total Budget: US$ 80,514.
  2. Ogendo J.O., Arama P.F. and Mulwa R M S (2020) Best Proactice Guide for Cassava Production and Value Addition
  3. J O Ogendo, M W Ngigi, S T Kariuki, J J Mafurah and D O Kello (2019). National Museums of Kenya (National Products Industry Secretariat) Consultancy “Feasibility study on commercialization of aloe in the North Rift Valley Counties, Kenya”. Period: Sept 2019-March 2020.
  4. Ogendo J.O., Nyaanga J.G. and Ogweno J.O. (2018) Botanical pesticides for bio-control of spider mites and anthracnose in French beans: A Case of smallholder farmers in Kenya (Call ID:RU/CGS/GRG/30/9/11). Final Project Report April 30, 2018.
  5. Egerton University (2018) Kenya Extension-Plus Services for Prosperity: Kenya Extension-Plus Programme. Prepared by a 12-Member Committee.
  6. Egerton University (2018) Kenya Extension-Plus Services for Prosperity: Kenya Extension-Plus Programme. Prepared by a 12-Member Committee.
  7. J O Ogendo, G Owuor and B O Bebe (2016) Baseline survey on evaluation of Bayer Corporate Social Responsibility in West Pokot County, Kenya. Bayer EA Ltd CSR Project: Agriculture (Crops and Animal Health). Final Report. March 2016.
  8. Ogendo et al. (2015) Limiting the impact of cassava brown streak disease on smallholders, women and the cassava value chain. Farm Survey Report. Jan 2015. Grant No. AURG/2/141.
  9. Mulwa, R.M.S., Ogendo, J.O. and Ogweno, J.O. (2015) Spider Plant: A nutritive African vegetable for Kenya. Spider Plant Sub-Project at Egerton University; Kenya Agriculture Productivity Program. 9p.
  10. Ogendo et al. (2014) Indigenous knowledge on use of botanicals in management of pests and diseases of French beans: A case of smallholder farmers in Kenya. (RUFORUM Grant No. RU/2012/grg-78). Feb. 2014.
  11. Deng et al. (2012) Ethno-Botanical products for insect pest management in subsistence agriculture in the Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) (2006). End of Project Report.
  12. Ogendo et al. (2004) Management of grain pests through manipulation of scientifically rationalized indigenous non-chemical pesticides. AICAD Res.Final Reports’ Abstracts-Pilot Phase1: 11-13.
  13. Ogendo et al. (2003) Grain Pests Management Practices in Subsistence Agriculture: A Case of farmers in Suba District, Nyanza Province, Kenya. Farm Survey Report. (AICAD Grant No. AICAD/RD-07/SED/02-001).
  14. Ogendo et al. (2003) Management of grain pests through manipulation of scientifically rationalized indigenous non-chemical options: A case study of subsistence farmers in Western Kenya. AICAD Research Mini-Reviews, Vol.1: 9-13. October 1, 2003.

InvIted Guest Speaker:

  1. J.O. Ogendo (2023) Attended the 12th Virtual Conference of SEB – K and 5th International Conference of NAPRECA – K. Theme: “Conservation of Biodiversity for Sustainable Utilization”. A Joint Conference of Society for Ethnobotany – Kenya (SEB – K) and the Natural Products Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa – Kenyan Chapter (NAPRECA – K). 24th November 2023
  2. J. O. Ogendo et al. (2023) Attended and presented poster “Prospects of integrating conservation biological control and plant based bioinsecticides for cost-effective pest management in legumes among smallholder farmers in Kenya” at the 13th Africa Farm Management Association (AFMA) Conference in East London, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Won 2nd runner up position in poster presentations. November 20-23, 2023.
  3. J.O.Ogendo (2023) Attended and Chaired Session 5 on “Research and Training Infrastructure and Management” during the Workshop on “Building Institutional Capacities on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research in African Universities and Research Institutions”, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, August 16-17, 2023.
  4. J.O.Ogendo (2023) Participated as Resource Person during Egerton University Student Leadership Workshop for newly Student Union Leaders, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, August 15-18, 2023.
  5. J.O.Ogendo (2023) Organized One Day Symposium and Closing Ceremony for the Egerton University-Bowie State University Global Research and Extension Experience for US undergraduate students (REU-REEU Fellows Program 2023), 27th July 2023, ARC Hotel, Egerton University.
  6. J.O.Ogendo (2023) Keynote Speaker at one day workshop on “Insects as food and feed, the path trodden, the hurdles and opportunities on the horizon” sponsored by the project “Exploration of Antimicrobial Compounds from Edible Insects and chicken parts for Applications in Food and industry”. Jointly hosted by Egerton University (Kenya) and University of Hertfordshire-UK. March 27, 2023, Utafiti Complex.
  7. J.O.Ogendo and CESAAM Core Team (2023) Exchange visit to Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda) and University of Rwanda, July 13-20, 2023.
  8. J.O.Ogendo (2023) Attended One Day Training on Translation of Research into Policy, Facilitated by Tegemeo Institute, June 16 2023, CMRT Games Room, Egerton University.
  9. J.N. Obanyi et al. (2023) Effect of field margin vegetation on natural pest regulation in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.). A paper presented at the 1st East Africa Agroecology Conference. Theme: Transforming Food Systems for Responsible Production, Consumption and Social Wellbeing. March 21-24, 2023, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. For proceedings
  10. J.O.Ogendo (2023) Keynote Speaker at one day workshop on “Insects as food and feed, the path trodden, the hurdles and opportunities on the horizon” sponsored by the project “Exploration of Antimicrobial Compounds from Edible Insects and chicken parts for Applications in Food and industry”. Jointly hosted by Egerton University (Kenya) and University of Hertfordshire-UK. March 27, 2023, Utafiti Complex.
  11. J.O.Ogendo (2023) Attended and facilitated the Agtech Consulting Ltd’s Workshop on Proven40 Field Efficacy trials, held on February 6, 2023 at the Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi.
  12. J.O.Ogendo (2023) Presented “ a New Technique for Locust Mass Culture for Food and Feeds Industry” at a Dialogue event on Translation of Research into Policy, held 30th January 2023, at 67 Airport Hotel, Machakos.
  13. J.O. Ogendo (2023) Organized and hosted a Co-Lecture on Heritage and Utilization of Indigenous African Foods involving Prof. Michele Fontefrncesco, University of Gastronomic Sciences (Italy) and Dr. Stellamaris Muthoka, Egerton University (Kenya) held on 23rd January 2023 at ARC Hotel, Egerton University.
  14. J.O. Ogendo (2022) Attended Science Granting Council Initiative Academic Symposium and World Science Forum, Dec 4-10, 2022, at Hotel Sky Cape, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa.
  15. J.O.Ogendo (2022) Attended the Bowie State University 2022 Summer Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI) Virtual Symposium, August 4-5, 2022. Thirteen (13) REU-REEU undergraduate students hosted by Egerton University (June 6, 2022-July 31, 2022) presented their research outputs.
  16. Bett P.K., Deng A.L., Ogendo J.O. and Kiplagat A.J. (2022) Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus saligna essential oils inhibit reproduction and cause mortality in Tribolium castaneum, Acanthoscelides obtectus and Sitophilus zeamais. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Pesticidal Plants, 25-29 July 2022, Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast.
  17. Ogendo J.O., Ochieng L.O., Bett P.K., Nyaanga J.G., Cheruiyot E.K., Mulwa R.M.S., Arnold S.E.J., Belmain S.R. and Stevenson P.C. (2022) Efficacy of commercial botanical insecticides and field margin vegetation on bean aphids and recovery of natural enemies in dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus ) production in Kenya. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Pesticidal Plants, 25-29 July 2022, Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast.
  18. Stevenson P.C, Ogendo J., Ochieng L., Obanyii J., Ndakidemi B., Ndakidemi P., Tembo Y., Gurr G., Woolley V., Belmain S. and Arnold S. (2022) Natural Pest Regulation of Orphan Crop Legumes for smallholders in Africa. XXVI International Congress of Entomology Helsinki, Finland, July 17-22, 2022.
  19. J.O.Ogendo (2022) Attended Project Advisory Board (PAB) meeting (virtual) for Project titled “Enhaning Trade Through Rehulatory Hormonisation and Biopesticide Based Residue Mitigation in the SADC Region, 13th July 2022. Hosted by ICGEB, South Africa.
  20. J. O.Ogendo (2022) Attended and made presentation at the Egerton University Students Leaders Training Workshop, June 26-29, 2022, Kenya Education Management Institute, Nairobi.
  21. J.O.Ogendo et al. (2022) Successfully hosted a One Day Seminar on Wednesday 8th June 2022 by Five (5) Professors from Florida A and M University (FAMU) and University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) at Egerton University. Topics presented were:
    1. Environmental Safety and Climate Change Mitigation by Dr. Lucy Ngatia, FAMU
    2. Food Processing Technologies for enhance food security and promote value addition by Dr. Caleb Nindo, UMES
    3. Aflatoxins: Health Hazards, Contamination and Management by Dr. Mehboob B. Sheikh, FAMU
    4. Building partnerships to promote global education, research and international agricultural development engagement in Kenya by Ms. Harriett Paul, FAMU.
    5. Affordable farm level value addition techniques by Dr. Satya Dev, FAMU.
  22. J.O.Ogendo (2022) Attended the TAGDev Program supported Training on “Finance for Non-Finance Managers”, Epashikino Resort and Spa, Gilgil; 1st to 3rd June 2022.
  23. J.O.Ogendo (2022) Attended a FAO-Kenya supported Curriculum Review Twinning Workshop whose goal is Strengthening Capacities for Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems through a multi-stakeholder approach to curriculum review and development. 13th April 2022, JKUAT, Juja, Kenya.
  24. S. Mwita, P.K. Kimurto and J.O. Ogendo (2022) Effectiveness of imazapyr coated hybrids and selected striga-tolerant varieties on S. hermonthica management and maize yield performance in western of Kenya. Paper presented at 14th Egerton University Biennial International Conference, 23-25th March 2022.
  25. L.A. Ouma, E. K. Cheruyiot and J. O. Ogendo (2022) Lignocellulose component of potential fodder sorghum genotypes as influenced by genotype, stage and environment. Paper presented at 14th Egerton University Biennial International Conference, 23-25th March 2022.
  26. J.O. Ogendo (2022) Attended the KIPI Regional Sensitization Workshop for Universities, TVETs and Research Institutions in the Central Rift Valley Region on Intellectual Property (IP), March 1-4, 2022, ARC Hotel, Egerton University.
  27. L O Ochieng, J O Ogendo and P K Bett (2022) Integration of botanical insecticides and field margin vegetation support natural enemies’ recovery and reduce aphid pests in dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus ). Proc. 3rd PEPTEN Symposium and AGM (virtual), chaired by Prof Ogendo, held on 19th February 2022.
  28. J O Ogendo (2021) Attended and chaired the Egerton University-CESAAM and Virginia Tech side event on “A Partnership Model to Enhance Strategic and Innovative Cooperation of Higher Education Institutionsat the 7th Africa Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Conference, 6-10 December 2021, Cotonou, Benin.
  29. J O Ogendo (2021) Attended and chaired Session 3-Plenary Lectures during the 10th Symposium and Annual General Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany-Kenya Chapter (SEB-K). 4th December 2021 (Virtual). Theme: Working with plants in the era of COVID 19 Pandemic.
  30. J,O. Ogendo (2021) Attended the First Project Advisory Board Virtual Meeting of Project “Enhancing Trade Through Regulatory Harmonisation and Biopesticide Based Residue Mitigation in the SADC Region” , August 25, 2021. Project funded by Standards and Trade Development Facility.
  31. J.O. Ogendo (2021) Presented the Locust 4Industry Programme during the KTN-UK: Innovative processing and products: Insect protein – Innovation and collaboration opportunities for Africa and the UK. 16th June 2021. For more details click
  32. N. Obanyi1, 2, J. O. Ogendo2*, R. M.S. Mulwa2, J. G. Nyaanga2, E. K. Cheruiyot2 and P. K. Bett3 (2020) Diversity and Abundance of Invertebrate Taxa in Smallholder Farms in Nakuru County: Effect of Dolichos-Based Cropping System and Field Margin Vegetation. Proc. 13 th Egerton University Virtual Conference,
  33. O. Ochieng, J.O, Ongendo, P.K. Bett, J.G.Nyaanga, E.K. Cheruiyot and R.M.S. Mulwa (2020) Influence of botanical insecticides and field margin vegetation on arphids and their natural enemy abudance in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.). Poster presented at the 13th Egerton University E-Conference, Nov. 24-26, 2020.
  34. M. Karimi, R.M.S. Mulwa, J.G. Nyaanga, J.O. Ogendo, E.K. Cheruiyot and P.K. Bett. (2020) Effect of Dolichos (Lablab purpureus L.) genotypes and field margin species on bean aphids’ population and their natural enemies. Poster presented at the 13th Egerton University E-Conference, Nov. 24-26, 2020.
  35. N. Mwani, J.G. Nyaanga, E.K. Cheruiyot, J.O. Ogendo, R.M.S. Mulwa and P.K.Bett. (2020) Effect of cropping system and field margin vegetation on population of aphids and their natural enemies in Lablab beans in Nakuru County, Kenya. Poster presented at the 13th Egerton University E-Conference, Nov. 24-26, 2020.
  36. J O Ogendo et al. (2020) as Co-PI, Kenya, virtually hosted the NaPROCLA GCRF Year 2 Annual Meeting, October 5-6, 2020 attended by partners from NRI-UK, LUANAR (Malawi) and NM-AIST (Tanzania).
  37. J O Ogendo et al. (2020) as Interim President-ISPP Virtually hosted the 1st AGM of the International Society of Pesticidal Plants, 29th June 2020.
  38. J O Ogendo (2020) Attended the Final Workshop of SGCI Phase 1, 11-13 February 2020, Dakar, Senegal
  39. Morgan H. Hall, Paul Kimurto, Osano Anne, Cyprian Syeunda, Tracy Mayasi, Lilian Jeptanui and Joshua Ogendo (2019, November). The Analysis of Eleusine coracana on the Nutrient Profile and Formulation with Chickpea Kabuli Saina K1 for Complementary Food Formation for Infants in Kenya. Poster presented at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) Conference, Anaheim, California; STEM Book of Abstracts, November 13- 16, 2019.
  40. Mayowa Osunsanya, Joshua Ogendo, Janet Obanyi, Anne Osano (2019, November). Determining the efficacy of Pheromone Lures for the control of Fall army worm, Spododeptera frugiperda, Poster presented at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) Conference, Anaheim, California, in STEM Book of Abstracts; November 13- 16, 2019.
  41. J O Ogendo (2019) Attended and chaired as a session during the 1st EAC STI Conference and Academia-Public-Private Partnership Forum (APPPF) 2019. 23rd-25th October 2019, Speke Resort, Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda
  42. Ogendo et al. (2019) presented project paper titled “RoofPark insectary, suitable plant diets and chitosan characteristics of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria Forskal” at the SGCI Project M & E meeting, Speke Resort, Munyonyo, Uganda. October 22, 2019.
  43. J O Ogendo (2019) Invited as Guest Speaker on “Agriculture Production in Lake Victoria Basin: Growth, Challenges and Future Prospects”. Maseno University Conference, Kisumu Hotel, June 6-7, 2019, Kisumu, Kenya.
  44. J.O. Ogendo, S. Nyalala, K.J. Nakitare, L. Nakhone, A.A.O. Musandu, J. Ochieng and L. Kimaru (2018) Efficacy of faecal matter based fertilizers on growth, nutrient uptake and yield of maize. Proceedings of Research Work and Presentation Workshop: Results of Research Partnership Between Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services Company (NAWASSCO)/ Nakuru County Sanitation Programme (NCSP) and Egerton University. 2nd August 2018, Waterbuck Hotel, Nakuru, Kenya.
  45. J.O. Ogendo, A.L. Deng, P.K. Bett, S.T. Kariuki and J.C. Matasyoh. 2015. Food grain storage practices, losses and solutions in the tropics: Experiences from Kenya. Guest Speaker at 19th International Agricultural Exhibition and Conference (Agritech 2015), 28-30 April 2015. TLV Convention Center, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  46. J.O. Ogendo (2011) African Dry land Alliance for Pesticidal-Plant Technologies (ADAPPT): A network for optimising and promoting pesticidal plants’ use for food security and poverty alleviation in Africa. Paper presented at the 1st aGRO2011 Conference, 26-28 Sept. 2011, College of Agric and Veterinary Sciences, Nairobi, Kenya.

Other Conference Attendance and Presentations:

  1. J.O.Ogendo and CESAAM Core Team (2023) Exchange visit to Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda) and University of Rwanda, July 13-20, 2023.
  2. J.O.Ogendo (2023) Attended One Day Training on Translation of Research into Policy, Faciliated by Tegemeo Institute, June 16 2023, CMRT Games Room, Egerton University.
  3. J.N. Obanyi, J.O. Ogendo et al. (2023) Effect of field margin vegetation on natural pest regulation in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.). A paper presented at the 1st East Africa Agroecology Conference. Theme: Transforming Food Systems for Responsible Production, Consumption and Social Wellbeing. March 21-24, 2023, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
  4. J.O. Ogendo (2023) Organized and hosted a Co-Lecture on Heritage and Utilization of Indigenous African Foods involving Prof. Michele Fontefrncesco, University of Gastronomic Sciences (Italy) and Dr. Stellamaris Muthoka, Egerton University (Kenya) held on 23rd January 2023 at ARC Hotel, Egerton University.
  5. J.O.Ogendo (2022) Attended a One Day workshop organized for Egerton University’s Corruption Prevention Committee (CPC) on Corruption Prevention with special focus on Public Procurement and Assets Disposal Act 2015. Facilitated by Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), 12th Sept. 2022, Utafiti Complex, Egerton Univ.
  6. J O Ogendo (2021) Attended and chaired the Egerton University-CESAAM and Virginia Tech side event on “A Partnership Model to Enhance Strategic and Innovative Cooperation of Higher Education Institutionsat the 7th Africa Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Conference, 6-10 December 2021, Cotonou, Benin.
  7. J O Ogendo (2021) Attended and chaired Session 3-Plenary Lectures during the 10th Symposium and Annual General Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany-Kenya Chapter (SEB-K). 4th December 2021 (Virtual). Theme: Working with plants in the era of COVID 19 Pandemic.
  8. J.N. Obanyi, J. O. Ogendo, R. M.S. Mulwa, J. G. Nyaanga, E. K. Cheruiyot and P. K. Bett (2020) Diversity and Abundance of Invertebrate Taxa in Smallholder Farms in Nakuru County: Effect of Dolichos-Based Cropping System and Field Margin Vegetation. Proc. 13 th Egerton University Virtual Conference,
  9. L.O. Ochieng, J.O, Ogendo, P.K. Bett, J.G.Nyaanga, E.K. Cheruiyot and R.M.S. Mulwa (2020) Influence of botanical insecticides and field margin vegetation on arphids and their natural enemy abudance in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.). Poster presented at the 13th Egerton University E-Conference, Nov. 24-26, 2020.
  10. J.M. Karimi, R.M.S. Mulwa, J.G. Nyaanga, J.O. Ogendo, E.K. Cheruiyot and P.K. Bett. (2020) Effect of Dolichos (Lablab purpureus L.) genotypes and field margin species on bean aphids’ population and their natural enemies. Poster presented at the 13th Egerton University E-Conference, Nov. 24-26, 2020.
  11. C.N. Mwani, J.G. Nyaanga, E.K. Cheruiyot, J.O. Ogendo, R.M.S. Mulwa and P.K.Bett. (2020) Effect of cropping system and field margin vegetation on population of aphids and their natural enemies in Lablab beans in Nakuru County, Kenya. Poster presented at the 13th Egerton University E-Conference, Nov. 24-26, 2020.
  12. J.O. Ogendo (2021) Attended the First Project Advisory Board Meeting (Virtual) of "Enhancing Trade Through Regulatory Harmonisation and Biopesticide Based Residue Mitigation in the SADC Region", August 25, 2021.
  13. J O Ogendo et al. (2020) as Co-PI, Kenya, Virtually hosted the NaPROCLA GCRF Year 2 Annual Meeting, October 5-6, 2020 attended by partners from NRI-UK, LUANAR (Malawi) and NM-AIST (Tanzania).
  14. J O Ogendo et al. (2020) as Interim President-ISPP Virtually hosted the 1st AGM of the International Society of Pesticidal Plants, 29th June 2020.
  15. J O Ogendo (2020) Attended the Final Workshop of SGCI Phase 1, 11-13 February 2020, Dakar, Senegal
  16. J O Ogendo (2019) Attended and chaired as a session during the 1st EAC STI Conference and Academia-Public-Private Partnership Forum (APPPF) 2019. 23rd-25th October 2019, Speke Resort, Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda
  17. J O Ogendo (2019) Attended and chaired session during the workshop on Pesticide use in agriculture: addressing emerging issues. Organized jointly by the Kenya National Academy of Sciences and National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI). Venue: Enashipai Resort and Spa, Naivasha, 29th to 31st May 2019.
  18. J O Ogendo & NaPROCLA Project and CESAAM (2019) Hosted half-day seminar by Prof. Philip C. Stevenson (NRI, UK) on “Sex, Drugs and Ecosystem Services: The ecological functions of nectar chemicals” at ARC Hotel, Egerton University; 10th May 2019.
  19. J O Ogendo & NaPROCLA Project and CESAAM (2019) Hosted Ms. Victoria Woolley (NRI, University of Greenwich, UK) for a 5-day training of staff and graduate students on molecular techniques for insect identification. Plant Biotechnology Lab, Egerton University, 13th to 17th May 2019.
  20. J O Ogendo (2019) Attended and chaired a session during the 2nd National Forum for Universities, TVETs and Industry Actors in the Agriculture Sector. Theme: Sustainable Development through ‘Innovative Agricultural Training. Organized by TAGDev Project, Egerton University. Venue: Lake Naivasha Panorama Park and Lodge, 12-13 March 2019.
  21. J O Ogendo & NaPROCLA Project and CESAAM (2019) Hosted half-day seminar by Prof. Steven R. Belmain (NRI, UK) on Globally re-emerging disease risks from rodents and “How to write high impact research papers for scientific journals” at ARC Hotel, 22nd Jan 2019.
  22. J O Ogendo (2018) Hosted Inception meeting for the EASTECO supported Project “A New Technique for Locust Mass Culture for Food and Feeds Industry” on 29th November 2018 at the Monarch Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. Partners from Egerton University, SAGLA Park, ICIPE, Makerere University and University of Rwanda attended.
  23. J O Ogendo (2018) Member, Local Organizing Committee & facilitated sessions during the 6th African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conf., 22-26th October 2018, KICC, Nairobi, Kenya.
  24. E C Tugat, J O Ogendo and E K Cheruiyot (2018) Effect of Selected Herbicides on Weed management in Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench] Production in Kenya. Paper presented at
  25. J O Ogendo (2018) Attended an IUCEA organized experts meeting on incorporation of aspects of aflatoxins and other mycotoxins into the benchmarks for undergraduate agriculture programmes under the framework of East African Common Higher Education Area. 6th-8th 2018, Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala, Uganda.
  26. Wamalwa, M.N., Owuoche, J., Ogendo, J. and Wanyera, R. (2018) Wheat yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis (Pst)) gene postulation of selected Kenyan varieties and Watkin landraces. 12th Egerton Univ. Intern. Conference, 27th-29th March 2018, FEDCOS Complex, Njoro Campus, Kenya.
  27. J.O. Ogendo, K.O. Ogayo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga and Ochola S.O. (2017). Presented paper titled Bio efficacy of selected plant extracts against two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, in French beans. 2nd International Conference on Pesticidal Plants, February 6-9, 2017, Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
  28. A.Y. Guliye, G. Owuor, J.P. Ouma, M.N. Omwamba, S.M. Mwonga, and J.O. Ogendo. (2016). Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM): An Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence Project at Egerton University, Kenya. RUFORUM Working Document Series (ISSN 1607-9345) No. 14 (1): 75 - 86. Available from (Presented by Prof Ogendo, Dean, FoA at 5th African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference, Century City Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa. October 15-21 2016.).
  29. J O Ogendo (2016) Attended 2016 Edition-Terra Madre Salone del Gusto in Turin, Italy, Sept. 22-26, 2016.
  30. J O Ogendo (2015) Attended 1st Congress on Post-Harvest Loss Prevention, Oct.4-7, 2015, Rome, Italy.
  31. J O Ogendo (2015) Attended the RUFORUM AGM, August 27-29, 2015, University of Namibia, Namibia
  32. B.M. Mvumi, L. Chikukura, E.T. Nyahangare, J.F. Kamanula, S.P. Nyirenda, P. Sola, J.O. Ogendo, O. Mponda, S.R. Belmain, P.C. Stevenson. (2014) Co-learning and innovation in smallholder agricultural pest management: reflecting on advances in developing alternatives to synthetic pesticides in East and Southern Africa. Proc. International Conf on Innovation Systems for Resilient Livelihoods: Connecting Theory to Practice.
  33. J.O. Ogendo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, I.N. Wagara, K.O. Ogayo and S.O. Ochola. 2014. Indigenous knowledge practices for production and management of spider mites and anthracnose in smallholder French bean farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya. Proc. 4th RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conf. 21 - 25 July 2014, Maputo, Mozambique, pp: 651-655.
  34. J.O. Ogendo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, I.N. Wagara, K.O. Ogayo and S.O. Ochola. 2014. Indigenous Knowledge practices for production and management of spider mites and anthracnose in smallholder French bean farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya. 8th Egerton University Research Week and International Conference, FEDCOS Complex, 26-28 March 2014, Egerton Univ., Kenya.
  35. S.O. Ochola, O. Ogendo, I.N. Wagara, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, and K.O. Ogayo. 2014. In vitro evaluation of Leonotis nepetifolia L. and Ocimum gratissimum L. plant extracts against Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Proc. 4th African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference, 21st – 25th July 2014, Maputo, Mozambique. Research Summary pp 511-514.
  36. K.O. Ogayo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, J.O. Ogendo, I.N. Wagara. and S.O. Ochola (2014) Bio efficacy of lion’s ear and African basil extracts in management of adult two-spotted spider mite on French beans. Proc. 4th African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference, 21st – 25th July 2014, Maputo, Mozambique. Research Summary pp 199-203.
  37. P.K. Bett, A. L. Deng, J. O. Ogendo, B. Torto, M. Mugisha-Kamatenesi, J.M. Mihale and S.T Kariuki (2014). Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Activity of Essential Oils of Cupressus lusitanica Mill. against Tribolium castaneum Herbst and Acanthoscelides obtectus Say. 8th Egerton University Research Week and Int. Conf., FEDCOS Complex, 26-28 March 2014, Egerton Univ., Kenya.
  38. P.K Bett, A.L. Deng, J.O. Ogendo, B. Torto, M. Migisha-Kamatenesi, J.M. Mihale and S.T. Kariuki (2014) Essential oils of Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus saligna as fumigants of stored product insect pests: The hope of the future for small-scale farmers. Proc. 4th African Higher Education Week & RUFORUM Biennial Conf., July 21 – 25 2014, Maputo, Mozambique. Research Summary pp 423-424.
  39. J.O. Ogendo, J.O. Ogweno, J.G. Nyaanga, I.N. Wagara, K.O..Ogayo and S.O. Ochola (2014) Indigenous knowledge practices for production and management of spider mites and anthracnose in smallholder French bean farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya. 4th RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conf. 21-25 July 2014, Maputo, Mozambique. pp: 651-655.
  40. A.M. Kange, E.K. Cheruiyot, J.O. Ogendo and P.F. Arama. 2014. Pre- and post-harvest factors affecting sorghum production (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in smallholder farming communities in three administrative counties. Presented at 8th Egerton Univ. Res. Week and Intern. Conf., 26-28 March 2014, Egerton Univ., Kenya.
  41. S.T. Kariuki, J.M. Kariuki, J.O. Ogendo and P.K. Bett. (2013) Evaluation of Girardinia diversifolia as a potential bio pesticide in Kenya. In: Ogendo et al. (Editors). Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Pesticidal Plants, Vol. I [Aug 2013]: Pg.: 47-50. ISBN: 978-9966-033-00-0; Jan. 21-24, 2013, icipe, Nairobi, Kenya.
  42. J.O. Ogendo, A.L. Deng, M. Kostyukovsky, U. Ravid, S.T. Kariuki, A.W. Kamau, P.K. Bett and E. Shaaya (2013). Residual bioactivity of Ocimum americanum L. and Tephrosia vogelii Hook. f. essential oils against coleopteran pests and inhibition of wheat seed germination. In: Ogendo et al. (Editors). Proc. 1st Intern. Conf. on Pesticidal Plants, Vol. I [August 2013]: Pg.: 91-94. ISBN: 978-9966-033-00-0; January 21-24, 2013, icipe, Nairobi, Kenya
  43. P. K. Bett, A.L. Deng, J.O. Ogendo, M. Kamatenesi-Mugisha and J.M. Mihale (2013). Toxic and repellent properties of Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus saligna essential oils against Callosobruchus chinensis and Sitophilus zeamais. In: Ogendo et al. (Editors). Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Pesticidal Plants, Vol. I [Aug 2013]: 121-123. ISBN: 978-9966-033-00-0; Jan. 21-24, 2013, icipe, Nairobi, Kenya
  44. A.L. Deng, J.O. Ogendo, P.K. Bett, M. Mugisha-Kamatenesi and J.M. Mihale (2013). Toxic and repellent properties of Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus saligna leaf essential oils against Callosobruchus chinensis L. and Sitophilus zeamais (Motsch.). 1st Intern. Conf. on Pesticidal Plants, 21-24 Jan 2013, icipe, Nairobi. Book of Abstracts and Timetable, pg. 89.
  45. J.M. Igogo, J.O. Ogendo, S.T. Kariuki, D.O. Otaye (2013) Field efficacy of Tephrosia vogelii Hook and Lantana camara L. aqueous crude extracts against golden flea beetle, Aphthona whitfieldi Bryant, in Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L). The 1st Intern. Conf. on Pesticidal Plants, 21-24 Jan 2013, icipe, Nairobi, Kenya. Book of Abstracts and Timetable, pg. 53.
  46. P.Sola, B.M. Mvumi, P.C. Stevenson, S.R. Belmain, J.O. Ogendo, O. Mponda, J.F. Kamanula and S.P. Nyirenda (2013) Botanical pesticides production, trade and regulatory mechanisms in sub-Saharan Africa: making a case for plant pesticide products. 1st Intern. Conf. on Pesticidal Plants, 21-24 Jan 2013, icipe, Nairobi. Book of Abstracts and Timetable, pg. 127.
  47. J.O. Ogendo, A.L. Deng, M. Kostyukovsky, J.C. Matasyoh, U. Ravid, P.K. Bett, S.T. Kariuki, E. Shaaya (2011) Plant essential oils as potential toxicants and protectants of stored food commodities: Is there hope for food security for smallholder farmers? African Crop Sci. Conf. Proc., Vol. 10: 231-238.
  48. J.O. Ogendo, A.L. Deng, E.O. Omolo, J.C. Matasyoh, R.K. Tuey, Z.R. Khan (2011) Management of Stem Borers using Selected Botanical Pesticides for Improved Productivity of a Maize-Bean Intercropping System. A paper presented at 6th Egerton Univ. Intern. Conf.: Research & Expo, 21-23 Sept. 2011, ARC Hotel, Egerton Univ., Kenya. [Best paper presentation award, sub-theme: Agriculture]
  49. P.K. Bett, A.L. Deng, J.O. Ogendo, B. Torto, M. Mugisha-Kamatenesi, J.M. Mihale (2011) Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Activity of the Leaf Essential Oil of Eucalyptus saligna against Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Bruchidae) and Sitotroga cereallela Olivier (Gelechiidae). Proc. 6th Egerton University Intern. Conf.: Research and Expo, 21-23 Sept. 2011, Egerton Univ., Kenya.
  50. S.O. Ondeng, P.M. Makenzi, J.O. Ogendo, A.A. Aboud (2011) Viability of Peri Urban Agri-Silviculture for Improved Food and Income Security in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Proc. 6th Egerton University Intern. Conf.: Research & Expo, 21-23 Sept. 2011, Egerton Univ., Kenya.
  51. J.M. Igogo, J.O. Ogendo, S.T. Kariuki, D.O. Otaye (2011) Potential of Tephrosia vogelii Hook and Lantana camara L. Aqueous Crude Extracts for Control of Golden Flea Beetle (Aphthona whitfieldi Bryant) in Jatropha in Kenya. 6th Egerton Univ. Intern. Conf.: Research & Expo, 21-23 Sept. 2011, ARC Hotel, Egerton Univ., Kenya.
  52. A.L. Deng, J.O. Ogendo, P.K. Bett, M. Kamatenesi-Mughisha, J.M. Mihale. (2011) Pesticidal potency of selected plant essential oils against major coleopteran pests of stored food commodities in the Lake Victoria Basin. Proc. VicRes Ethnobotany and IK Cluster Workshop, 4-7 Sept. 2011, Imperial Golf View Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda.
  53. M. Kamatenesi-Mugisha, P.J. Buyungo, P. Egwang, P. Vudriko, J.G. Ndukul, A. Deng, J. Ogendo, J.M. Mihale (2011). In: J.A. Orwa, C. Mbakaya, J. Obua, S. Okoth (Eds) Evaluation of the biosafety of selected botanical pesticide plants used by subsistence farmers around the Lake Victoria Basin. Proc. Ethnobotany and Health Cluster Workshop, pp. 45-57, 4th–7th Sept. 2011, Entebbe, Uganda. IUCEA/VicRes. ISBN: 978-870-452-00-2.
  54. A.L. Deng, J.O. Ogendo, P.K. Bett, M. Kamatenesi-Mugisha, J.M. Mihale (2011) Fumigant and contact toxicity of Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus saligna essential oils against insect pests of stored cereals and legumes. Proc. 14th NAPRECA & AAMPS Ethno-veterinary Medicine Symposium, 8-12 Aug, 2011, ICIPE-Duduville, Nairobi, Kenya.
  55. M. Kamatenesi-Mugisha, B.J. Paul, E. Patrick, P. Ogwal, A.L. Deng, J.O. Ogendo, J.M. Mihale (2011) Evaluation of the biosafety of selected botanical pesticide plants used by subsistence farmers around the Lake Victoria Basin. Proc. 14th NAPRECA and AAMPS Ethno-veterinary Medicine Symposium, 8-12 Aug, 2011, icipe-Duduville, Nairobi, Kenya.
  56. J.O. Ogendo (2011) African Dryland Alliance for Pesticidal-Plant Technologies (ADAPPT): A network for optimising and promoting the use of pesticidal plants for food security and poverty alleviation in Africa. Proc. 1st Bondo Univ. College Conf., Feb 20-23, 2011.
  57. J.O. Ogendo, M. Kostyukovsky, U. Ravid, A.L. Deng, J.C. Matasyoh, E.O. Omolo, S.T. Kariuki, E. Shaaya (2010) Pesticidal potential of aromatic plant constituents for biological insect control in grain storage. Proc. 6th Research Week and Intern. Conf., Egerton University 22-24 Sept. 2010.
  58. J.O. Ogendo, A.L. Deng, M. Kostyukovsky, U. Ravid, J.C. Matasyoh, E.O. Omolo, S.T. Kariuki, P.K. Bett, A.W. Kamau and E. Shaaya. 2010. Fumigant toxicity of five essential oil constituents against major stored-product insect pests of food grains. Proc. 2nd RUFORUM Biennial Meeting 20 - 24 Sept. 2010, Entebbe, Uganda. Pp 325-331.
  59. L.M. Wambua, A. L. Deng, J.O. Ogendo, J.O. Owuoche, P.K. Bett (2010) Bio efficacy of aqueous crude extracts of Tephrosia vogelii on the larval stages of Helicoverpa armigera. Proc. 6th Research Week & Intern. Conf., Egerton Univ. 22-24 Sept. 2010.
  60. J.O. Ogendo (2010) African Dry land Alliance for Pesticidal-Plant Technologies (ADAPPT): A Network for Optimising and Promoting the use of pesticidal plants for food security and poverty alleviation in Africa. Proc. CCAA-supported conference on “Pastoralism and Climate Change Adaptation in Africa”, Egerton Univ., Kenya. 24th – 27th May 2010.
  61. A.L. Deng, J.O. Ogendo, P.K. Bett, G. Owuor, E.O. Omolo, M. Mugisha-Kamatenesi, J.M. Mihale (2010). Inventory of indigenous pest management practices in the Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya. In: Kioko, E.N., Okeyo-Owuor, J.B., Kariuki, S., and Osogo, D. (Eds): Proc.7th Biennial ASA Scientific Conference and ARPPIS Silver Jubilee, ICIPE-Duduville, Nairobi, Kenya. 25-28th April, 2008. Pp87-93.
  62. A.L. Deng, J.O. Ogendo, P.K. Bett, G. Owuor, E.O. Omolo, M. Mugisha-Kamatenesi and J.M. Mihale (2009). Inventory of indigenous pest management practices in the LVB, Kenya. Proc. ASA Biennial Scientific Conf. 24-26th Nov.2008, icipe-Nairobi, Kenya
  63. J.O. Ogendo, A.L. Deng, M. Kostyukovsky, U. Ravid, J.C. Matasyoh, E.O. Omolo, S.T. Kariuki, Kamau, E. Shaaya (2008). Fumigant toxicity of five terpenoid essential oil constituents against major stored-product insect pests of food commodities. Proc. 1st Bio-Earn/VicRes Conf., Speke Resort, Kampala, Uganda, Nov.23-27, 2008.
  64. J.O. Ogendo, A.L. Deng, M. Kostyukovsky, U. Ravid, J.C. Matasyoh, E.O. Omolo, S.T. Kariuki, A.W. Kamau, E. Shaaya (2008) Fumigant and repellent activity of O. americanum L. essential oils against four insect pests of stored food commodities. 4th World Congress on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (WOCMAP IV) in Cape Town, RSA, Nov. 9-15, 2008
  65. J.O. Ogendo, M. Kostyukovsky, A.L. Deng, J.C. Matasyoh, E.O. Omolo, A.W. Kamau, S.T. Kariuki, U. Ravid, E. Shaaya (2008) Bioactivity of essential oils extracted from aerial parts of Tephrosia vogelii Hook against four insect pests of stored food grains. Proc. 3rd Egerton Univ. Annual Research Week and Intern. Conf., Sept. 16-18, 2008.
  66. J.O. Ogendo, M. Kostyukovsky, E. Shaaya, U. Ravid, A.L. Deng, J.C. Matasyoh, E.O. Omolo, S.T. Kariuki (2007) Kenyan plant essential oils as potential fumigants and repellents against insect pests of stored food commodities. Proc.2nd Research Week & Intern.Conf., July 16-20, 2007, Egerton Univ. p84-91.
  67. Kostyukovsky, M., Ravid, U., Major, D., Ogendo, J.O., Matasyoh, J., Shaaya, E. (2006) Phytochemicals as fumigants and repellents against stored product insects. Proc. MBAO Conf., USA. [].
  68. Ogendo, J.O., Deng, A.L., Tuey, R.K. (2005) Evaluation of bioactivity of Lantana camara against insect pests of stored maize and bean grains. Proc. Egerton University (R & E) internally funded research workshop, July 20, 2005, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Kenya. P1-8.
  1. Government of Kenya (1985-1988). BSc Agriculture, University of Nairobi (UoN).
  2. Minimum Tillage Project (PI: Prof. R. W. Michieka; 1990-1992). MSc Agronomy, UoN.
  3. Association of Commonwealth Universities and the University of Greenwich, UK, shared scholarship (1999-2001). MSc Grain Storage Management.
  4. Egerton University (2005-2008; Tutition waiver). PhD Agronomy (Stored Product Entomology).
  5. USAID-CDR Program (2005-2008) PhD Studentship nested within research project titled: “Kenyan plant constituents for biological insect control”. Total funding $199,200.00.


  1. Statistics for Agriculture
  2. Postharvest Technology of Field Crops
  3. Weed Science
  4. Research Projects
  5. General Agronomy


  1. Proposal Writing and Seminars
  2. Seminars in Crop Science (Agronomy, Crop Protection, Plant Breeding, Soil Science)
  3. Postharvest Science
  4. Postharvest Management
  5. Pesticide Application and Safety

Successfully Supervised:

  1. Effects of botanical insecticides and field margin vegetation on aphids and their natural enemies in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus ). Mr. Lawrence O. Ochieng, MSc Crop Protection (KM122/19003/18). Jan. 2019-Jul. 2022. Sponsored by NaPROCLA Project (I was the PI). Supervisors: Prof. J Ogendo and Dr. P K Bett. Successfully defended Thesis on 15.06.2022; Graduated 29/7/2022.
  2. Evaluation of selected herbicides for weed control in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench]. Ms. Emily Chepkoech (Reg. No. KM12/3711/13; MSc Crop Production). Sept. 2014- Present. Supervisors: Prof J O Ogendo and Dr E K Cheruiyot). Graduated June 2021.
  3. Bioefficacy of lion’s ear (Leonotis nepetifolia ) and african basil (Ocimum gratissimum L.) extracts against spider mites on French bean. Mr. Kennedy Obuya Ogayo (Reg. No. KM14/3278/12; M. Sc Horticulture) RUFORUM sponsored (I was the PI for the project) (Supervisors: Prof Ogweno and Dr Nyaanga; Prof Ogendo). Graduated June 2019.
  4. Efficacy of selected plant extracts for management of anthracnose in French bean. Sylvans Ochieng Ochola (Reg. No. KM12/3364/12; M.Sc. Crop Protection) RUFORUM SPONSORED. (PI-Prof Ogendo). Supervisors: Prof Wagara, Prof Ogendo. Graduated on 4th Dec. 2015.
  5. Effects of solar heat treatment on mycotoxin causing pathogens in stored sorghum Sorghum bicolor () Moench grains. Mr. Alex Machio Kange (Reg. KM12/3294/12; MSc Crop Protection). Jan 2013- Dec 2015. Partially supported by KAPAP Sorghum Value Chain Project. Supervisors: Prof J O Ogendo, Prof P F Arama and Dr E K Cheruiyot. Graduated 4th Dec 2015.
  6. Biological activity of Tephrosia vogelii AND Lantana camara L. aqueous crude extracts against golden flea beetle (Aphthona whitfieldi Bryant) in Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L) Joseph Mukui Igogo (KM12/2224/08). MSc Agronomy (Crop Protection Option). Graduated 26/07/2013.
  7. Assessment of agro-silvicultural systems for improved food production in peri-urban Nakuru, Kenya” Samuel Okoth Ondeng (NM11/2255/08). 2009- 2013. MSc NRM. Graduated 26/07/2013.
  8. Bioactivity of aqueous crude extracts of Tephrosia vogelii Hook against Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in chickpea”. Loice Mwende Wambua (KM12/1756/06). MSc Agronomy (Crop Protection Option). Graduated on 21/12/2012.

On-going Supervision:

  1. Effect of fertilizer application on cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) growth, tuber yield and cassava brown streak disease in Nakuru and Migori Counties, Kenya. Selphine Oduor (KM121/14576/18; MSc Agronomy). Sponsored by TAGDev Program; Supervisors: Prof. N.W. Mungai & Prof. J.O. Ogendo.
  2. Evaluation of IR maize varieties and seed storage duration on Striga hermonthica control, seed viability and yield of maize in western Kenya. Samwel Sibuti Mwita (MSc Agronomy; KM121/12144/17); sponsored by ADB/MoHEST Programme. Supervisors: Prof. P.K. Kimurto & Prof. J.O. Ogendo.

Personal Contributions to Graduate Students’ Fellowships (Masters Level):

  1. Effect of cropping system and field margin vegetation on population of aphids and their natural enemies in Lablab beans in Nakuru County, Kenya. Ms. Christine Nkuene Mwani, MSc Crop Protection (KM122/19004/18). Sponsored by NaPROCLA Project. Supervisors: Dr. J G Nyaanga and Prof. E.K. Cheruiyot. Co-PI: Prof. J Ogendo. Jan 2019-Present.
  2. Effects of botanical insecticides and field margin vegetation on aphids and their natural enemies in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus ). Mr. Lawrence Ochieng, MSc Crop Protection, (KM122/19003/18). NaPROCLA Project. Supervisors: Prof. J Ogendo &Dr P K Bett. Jan 2019-Present.
  3. Effect of Dolichos (Lablab purpureus ) genotypes and field margin vegetation on bean aphids and their natural enemies. Mr. Joseph M. Karimi, MSc Crop Protection (KM122/19005/18). Sponsored by NaPROCLA Project. Supervisors: Prof. R M Mulwa and Dr J G Nyaanga. Jan 2019-Present.
  4. Blackberry germplasm collection, characterisation and breeding for commercial production in Kenya. RUFORUM GRANT. 2014-2016. Donor: RUFORUM: Funding: US$ 65,000.00. MSc Plant Breeding Jared Ochieng (KM21/14165/15). Graduated 7/12/2018.
  5. Bioactivity of aqueous crude extracts of vogelii Hook against H. armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in chickpea. Loice Mwende Wambua (KM12/1756/06). MSc Agronomy (Crop Protection Option). Graduated on 21/12/2012. Supervisors: Prof Deng, Prof. Ogendo. 2010-2011. Donor: NCST. Funding: KES 200,000.00. Graduated on 21/12/2012.
  6. Effects of solar heat treatment on mycotoxin causing pathogens in stored sorghum Sorghum bicolor () Moench grains. Mr. Alex Machio Kange (Reg. KM12/3294/12; MSc Crop Protection). Jan 2013- Dec 2015. Partially supported by KAPAP Sorghum Value Chain Project. Supervisors: Prof J O Ogendo, Prof P F Arama and Prof. E K Cheruiyot. Graduated 4th Dec 2015.
  7. Efficacy of selected plant extracts for management of anthracnose in French bean. Sylvans Ochieng Ochola (Reg. No. KM12/3364/12; M.Sc. Crop Protection) RUFORUM SPONSORED. (PI-Prof Ogendo). Supervisors: Prof Wagara, Prof Ogendo. Graduated on 4th Dec. 2015.
  8. Efficacy of lion’s ear (Leonotis nepetifolia ) and african basil (Ocimum gratissimum L.) extracts against spider mites on French bean. Mr. Kennedy Obuya Ogayo (Reg. No. KM14/3278/12; M. Sc Horticulture) RUFORUM sponsored (PI-Prof Ogendo) (Supervisors: Prof Ogweno and Dr Nyaanga; Prof Ogendo). Graduated June 2019.
  9. Insecticidal and repellent effects of some plant powders and essential oils against the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (HORN) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in stored maize, Zea mays Ms. Fridah Chebet. Supported by AICAD. Supervisors: Prof A Deng and Dr. A W Kamau. Graduated 2012.

Successfully Supervised:

  1. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis Westend. F. Sp. tritici Erikc) race analysis and mapping of resistant genes in Kenya. Ms Mercy Wamalwa (PhD Plant Breeding; KD12/0430/14). Graduated on 29th July 2022. For more details click here
  2. Evaluation of cassava germplasm for resistance to cassava brown streak disease and virus elimination using in vitro techniques. Ms. Emily Atieno Masinde (PhD Crop Protection; KD12/0388/13); sponsored by our AU Grant on Cassava LimitCBSD Project. Jan 2013-Dec 2015; I am the PI-Kenya of Cassava LimitCBSD Project. Supervisors: Prof Mulwa, Prof Ogendo and Dr Maruthi-NRI, UK). Graduated July 2020. For more details click here
  3. Bioefficacy of essential oils of two indigenous plants against major coleopteran and lepidopteran pests of stored food grains. Philip K. Bett (SD14/0259/09)-PhD in Crop Protection. 2009- Dec 2015. Supervisors: Prof A Deng, Prof J Ogendo and Prof B Torto. Graduated on 4th Dec 2015. For more details click here

On-going Supervision:

  1. Characterization of Fusarium stilboides of coffee and bioprospecting its potential fungal biological control agents. Ms. Getrude Okutoyi Alworah, PhD Crop Protection (KD122/15508/19). Sponsored by CESAAM. Supervisors: Prof. J O Ogendo and Dr. J J Mafurah.
  2. Molecular characterization of natural enemies and their effectiveness in the management of bean aphids on Dolichos lablab. Janet N. Obanyi, PhD Crop Protection (KD122/22004/18). Sponsored by NaPROCLA Project. Supervisors: Prof. J Ogendo, Prof. R Mulwa & Dr. J G Nyaanga. Admitted Jan 2019.
  3. Influence of genotype, soil and temperature variation on anti-feedant properties and biomass of selected potential fodder sorghum genotypes. Lilian Atieno Ouma PhD Agronomy (KD121/16513/18). Sponsored by CESAAM. Supervisors: Prof. E. Cheruiyot and Prof. J. Ogendo
  4. Development and molecular characterization of improved cassava (Manihot esculenta L.) varieties resistant to cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) in Kenya. Henry Otiento Okwaro, PhD Plant Breeding (KD21/18522/17). Sponsored by the MCF/CARP+ Project; Supervisors: Prof. Mulwa, Prof Ogendo & Dr Pascal Okwiri.
  5. Climate change adaptation through enhanced adoption of improved dry land water harvesting and crop technologies in central Rift of Kenya. Mr Justin Mabeya Machini (PhD in ARIS; ED17/0364/12). 2013-Present. Supervisors: Dr M. Udoto, Prof J O Ogendo.

Personal Contributions to Graduate Students’ Fellowships (Doctorate Level):

  1. Molecular characterization of natural enemies and their effectiveness in the management of bean aphids on Dolichos lablab. Janet N. Obanyi PhD Crop Protection (KD122/22004/18). Sponsored by NaPROCLA Project. Supervisors: Prof. J Ogendo, Prof. R Mulwa & Dr. J Nyaanga. Jan 2019-Present.
  2. Development and molecular characterization of improved cassava (Manihot esculenta) varieties resistant to cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) in Kenya. Mr. Henry Otiento Okwaro, PhD Plant Breeding (KD21/18522/17) Sponsored by the MCF/CARP+ Project; Sept. 2018-Aug 2021; Supervisors: Prof. Mulwa, Prof Ogendo & Dr Pascal Okwiri. 2018-Present.
  3. Evaluation of cassava germplasm for resistance to cassava brown streak disease and virus elimination using in vitro Ms. Emily Atieno Masinde (PhD Crop Protection; KD12/0388/13); sponsored by our AU Grant on Cassava LimitCBSD Project. Jan 2013-Dec 2015; Cassava LimitCBSD Project. Supervisors: Prof Mulwa, Prof Ogendo and Dr Maruthi-NRI, UK). Graduated July 2020.
  4. Bioefficacy of essential oils of two indigenous plants against major coleopteran and lepidopteran pests of stored food grains (NCST/5/003/3RD CALL PhD/138). PhD Student-Mr. P.K. Bett (SD14/0259/09)-PhD in Crop Protection; Supervisors: Prof Deng, Ogendo. 2011-2013. Donor: NCST. Funding: KES 600,000.00. Graduated on 4th Dec 2015.
  5. Ethnobotanical products for insect pest management in subsistence agriculture in the LVB region. [PI: Prof. A.L. Deng (KE), Collaborators: Prof. O. Ogendo (KE); Dr. M. Kamatenesi-Mugisha (UG) and Mr. M.J. Mihale (TZ)]. 2006-2012. Donor: VicRes. Funding (Egerton): US$ 54,000/3 yrs inclusive of $4000 for PhD student-Mr. P.K. Bett (SD14/0259/09). Graduated on 4th Dec 2015.
  6. Kenyan Plant Constituents for Biological Insect Control. Co-PI (Kenya): Prof. J.O. Ogendo; and PI (Israel): Prof. Ephraim Lewinson. 2004-2008. Donor: USAID-CDR Program. Funding (K): US$199,200.00. This project financed my PhD thesis research titled “Composition and bioactivity of essential oils of Lantana camara , Tephrosia vogelii Hook and Ocimum americanum L. against major coleopteran pests of stored food grains. PhD Thesis, Egerton Univ.Supervisors: Prof. A.L. Deng; Prof. A.W. Kamau. Graduated December 2008.
  1. President, International Society of Pesticidal Plants (ISPP) (July 27, 2022-Present0
  2. Chairman, Pesticidal Plants Network, Kenya (PEPTEN)
  3. Member, Association for African Medicinal Plants Standards (AAMPS).
  4. Member, Soil Science Society of East Africa
  5. Member, Entomological Society of East Africa
  6. Member, Natural Products Research Network for East and Central Africa (NAPRECA)
  7. Member, Society for Economic Botany-Kenya Chapter
  8. Member, Horticultural Society of Kenya
  9. Member, African Crop Science Society
  10. Member, International Health Patient Education and Empowerment (IHOPEE)
  11. Member, Weed Science Society of Kenya (formative stage)
  12. Member,International Health Patient Education and Empowerment (IHOPEE)
  13. Member, Project Advisory Board (July 2021-Present), Project “Enhancing Trade Through Regulatory Harmonisation and Biopesticide Based Residue Mitigation in the SADC Region”. Funded by USDA/Standards and Trade Development Facility.
  14. Appointed by EASTECO as Member of the Research Grant Sub-Committee of the EAC Regional Research and Development Working Group (RDWG) [July 27, 2022 to Present].

  15. Invited to be Co-Editor, Frontiers in Agronomy (Special Project): Special Edition/Project on “Pest Management for Smallholder Farmers -Frontiers in Agronomy”. Team: Prof. Murray Isman (Chief Editor, UBC-Canada), Co-Editors: Prof. Joshua O. Ogendo (Egerton University, Kenya), Prof. Brighton Mvumi (University of Zimbabwe), Prof. Philip C. Stevenson (NRI, UK), Prof. Steven R. Belmain (NRI, UK) and a few more experts to be enlisted on “Crop Disease Management Strategies”.Project will be launched in September 2022.


Prof. Arop L. Deng,

Integration and Support Team Lead

FAO of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

00153 Rome, Italy. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Prof. Bockline O. Bebe

Professor of Livestock Production Systems

Egerton University, P.O. Box 536-20115, Egerton, Kenya.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                                                                                                                                


Prof. Isaac S Kosgey

Vice Chancellor, Moi University, Main Campus, Kesses.

P.O Box 3900-30100 Eldoret.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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