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Faculty of Science
Directorate / Dept
536 Egerton

MS. Lynet O. Sibiyia is a Senior Technologist in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Egerton University. She holds a Master of Science (MSc.) degree in Data Communications from KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Applied Science (Information Technology (IT) option) from RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia) / Egerton University, Kenya. She has a long-standing experience working as an ICT Technologist and internal Part-Time teaching. She is trained in and continues to conduct research in Data communications.

Google Scholar
  1. Year: 2014: Master of Science (MSc.) Data Communications degree - KCA University, Nairobi, Kenya
  2. Year: 2008: BSc. Applied Science (Information Technology (IT) option) degree - RMIT (Royal Mebourne Institute of Technology, Australia) / Egerton University, Kenya)
  3. Year: 1995: Higher Diploma in Computer Studies (STAGE 1) –The Mombasa Polytechnic, Mombasa   
  4. Year: 1990: Ordinary Diploma in Computer Studies –The Mombasa Polytechnic, Mombasa  
  1. Data Communications and Computer Networks
  2. Information Technology
  3. Emerging Technologies
  4. Information Systems
  1. Year: 2012: Job Access with Speech for Windows – Egerton University, Njoro
  2. Year: 2002: Computer  Maintenance Certificate – AVU (Africa Virtual University Centre, Egerton University, Njoro)
  3. Year: 1987: General Science Pre-Technician –The Kenya Polytechnic, Nairobi

2010 - Present: SENIOR TECHNOLOGIST I – Computer Science Department, Egerton University, Njoro

  1. Internal Part-time teaching - Egerton University
  2. Diploma Programmes coordinator
  3. Ensure the preparation, conducting and supervision of practical classes or courses.
  4. Participate in research and student projects.
  5. Ensure that all scientific equipment are calibrated as per National and/or International Standards.
  6. Supervises Staff under their section.
  7. Ensure that Health and Safety standards are maintained in laboratories, workshops and fields.
  8. Service and maintain scientific equipment as per the operational instruction manuals.
  9. Ensure that equipment spare parts and supplies are available.
  10. Assess, determine and evaluate Requirements for assigned practical work.
  11. Inventory & Store keeping

2004 – 2010: TECHNOLOGIST II - Computer Science Department Egerton University, Njoro

  1. Internal Part-time teaching - Egerton University
  2. Preparation of practical classes/courses and keeping of student records e.g. attendance, practical allocations and loss/breakage records.
  3. Ensure that all the equipment, supplies, and bench solutions are available.
  4. Assist in student projects and research activities.

2001 – 2004:  TECHNOLOGIST II – Faculty of Engineering & Technology (FET), Egerton University, Njoro

  1. Coordination and administration of activities in the FET (Faculty of Engineering & Technology) computer laboratory on a daily basis.
  2. Networking of computers in the computer laboratory.
  3. Facilitated IT seminar for technical and non - technical staff members of the faculty.
  4. Assisted and guided students in course practicals.
  5. Participated in the following programmes: Computing literacy training as an income generating unit, Engineering Practice: At end of semester students come for training in computer related areas i.e. Interior design, Computer Aided Design (AutoCAD), Geographical Information Systems (GIS), technical drawing, and MATLAB

1997 – 2001: COMPUTER PROGRAMMER – Computer Services Egerton University, Njoro

  1. Processed and maintained the University Payroll System.
  2. Maintained and processed students nominal roll

1991 – 1997: COMPUTER OPERATOR – EUSACS - Egerton University, Njoro

  1. Processed and maintained the EUSACS Payroll System.
  2. Maintained and processed EUSACS Accounts System
  1. Data comunications and Computer Networks
  2. Information Technology
  3. Emerging Technologies
  4. Information Systems


  1. Judith Kavulani Chore, Mariam Mwangi, Stephen Karori Mbuthia, Lynet Ongachi Sibiyia: Influence of pulsing and wet cold storage on the vase water microbial profiles and overall quality of cut gladioli, Ornamental Horticulture, V. 27, No . 4, 2021 p. 485-494. Click here to access.
  2. Ondiek J. Otieno, Sibiyia L. Ongachi, Makokha M. Victor: Influence of Policy and Legal Framework On ICT Innovation, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), Vol. 67 Issue 2 – Feb 2019. Click here to access.
  3. Makokha Malala Victor, Lynet Ongachi. Sibiyia, Ondiek J. Otieno: Challenges of External Data in Business Support: A Review, International Journal of Computer Organization Trends Vol. 8 Issue 6 – Nov to Dec 2018. Click here to access

  4. Ondiek J. Otieno, Sibiyia L. Ongachi: Voice and Data Packets Optimization using AI Algorithms in User Datagram Protocol,  International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.8, pp.6-14, Aug-2018. Click here to access

  5.  Lynet O. Sibiyia, Japheth O. Ondiek: Stream Control Transmission Protocol Performance Analysis in Disk Local Area Network Services, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 25 No.1 (July 2015). Click  here to access.



  1. Information Technology and Society
  2. Computer Organization and  Architecture
  3. Computer Applications
  4. Data Communications and Computer Networks
  5. Computer Programming


  1. 2019 to date: Member of International Association for Engineers and Computer Scientists (IAENG_membership_236936)
  2. 2017 to date: Member of Computer Society Of Kenya ( Member No.120087).
  1. J M Githeko, PhD. Associate Professor, Innovation & Internet Technologies, Department of Computer Science
    P. O. Box 536 -20115, Egerton, Kenya. Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Patrick Kanyi Wamuyu, PhD. Associate Professor of Information Technology, Chair, Computing Department, School of Science & Technology (SST). United States International University, Nairobi, Kenya. Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Dr. Peter O. Ongoma c/o  Chemistry Department, Egerton University, 536-201150, EGERTON. Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





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